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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Modern, specifically American libertarians are imposters. Rejecting basic concepts of actual libertarianism like public ownership of natural resources. And are ideologically at least (economic) liberals. Not libertarians. Who chant weird self defeating tautologies that have nothing to do with libertarianism like the Non Aggression Principle.

    Basically they’re Libertarians in the same fashion Marxist Leninist are communist. Not.

  • 100% this. And it’s sad. Because there actually aren’t any right wing libertarians. They are (economic) liberals. Rejecting basic tenants of Libertarianism like public ownership of natural resources , and tack on insane BS like the NAP. The man who coined the term libertarian, defined what it was, fought in the fucking French Revolution. He also rallied and fought against the same Liberals larping as libertarians today.

  • Most often I’ve seen instances use as super communities. Largely revolving around a bigger topic. KDE runs their own with their own subcommunities for instance. They are far from the only ones. Just the one I use the most and a came to mind first. Having your own instance slap server allows you far more control over your communities then just hosting on someone else’s server. But from an end user perspective very largely transparent. not even being noticeable oftentimes.

  • Any place that has large dedicated fan bases can come off toxic. Open source, Linux and politicd aren’t any different. There will always be those that feel you aren’t the “right kind” of fan etc. Just do your best to be introspective and understanding. It’s the best any of us can often do.

    It’s definitely a shock for example to slip from the shallow pool of “left” in western, especially American politics. Into a system originally started by leninists/stalinists. And I’ve seen plenty of toxicity to non conforming lefties from that group. Though to be fair, as an anti authoritarian lefty. I know I have issues when dealing with authoritarians. Including leninists /stalinists. Which I’m trying to moderate. Seeing as many of them are very young naive and impressionable. As well as much less likely to listen when someone is hostile.

  • Yes. Look up the upgrade process for the laptop. 9 times out of 10 its just pop the bottom off. The other 1 is like the old dell laptop I upgraded. The laptop had to be nearly 100% disassembled outside the screen. The HD was sandwiched between 3 different PCB at the center of the lower half. Bit of a nightmare. The HP, Lenovo, Acer laptops I’ve worked on we’re simple. And the ssd swap made them almost like new. I had a core 2 duo mackbook I upgraded the drive too. Made it very usable.

  • I don’t believe during the core 2 Duo days terabyte hard drives were a thing or at least all that common. I know I was upgrading with 128 and 256 GB drives. So that is very possibly and upgrade itself. But unless your laptop is your main system where all your data has to reside. Or you’re going to be using it for mobile video editing? Which would be pretty sketchy with a core 2 Duo. I’d honestly recommend getting a 256 GB cheap SATA SSD toss the two terabyte drive in a computer on the network to share it with the laptop if you need the storage. That’s what I’ve done with the laptop I use. Though it’s new enough to have nvme storage. But all my other data is shared over my local network via NFS

  • There’s what they claim to be and what they are. What they claim to be, is a transitional centralized system of government aimed at jump starting communism. What they are is that without a mechanism or plan to transition. Ending up in EVERY SINGLE GROUP that has tried devolving into an authoritarian suppressive system. Benefitting largely those at the top.

    The Party heads in Moscow benefited far more than the average citizen of the Soviet Union. Nearly every modern Russian oligarch has a direct line that can be drawn back to former party leadership. Xi Jinping does not live in government block housing like a regular citizen. Nor do any of the families of top party members. And should a Chinese citizen complain. They will be brutally ostracized and excluded from society at best. Jailed for life or slaughtered if they’re not so lucky. Capitalists salivate about being able to do that with impunity. They still do it. Just not with impunity yet.

  • That friend. Is framing. Not an echo chamber. Framing can amplify Echo Chambers absolutely. But it’s not the same thing. It is something we all do to an extent and should be aware of. We all frame things in terms of what we know, or even how we wish they would be.

    Most things in life especially in America have a heavy right-wing fash friendly framing. That’s not arguable. Just a fact of the last 100 years. Which is why when most people realistically only had the 8:00 news it was such an Insidious and effective Echo chamber. They constantly echoed the same talking points. With the same fash friendly framing. We were the heroes delivering freedom against the godless communists etc. Was that ever really true? You might be able to make a specious argument or two. But it’s not factual on the face of it. Note this is not a defense of ML/Stalinism/Maoism or tankies. They’re as big a problem as capitalists realistically.

    Florida, arguably an echo chamber by many metrics. They’re trying to restricted peoples access to information and violate their first amendment rights. Twitter, absolutely an echo chamber. They’re banning lefties at the drop of a hat temp/perm/shadow. Replatforming deservedly permabanned rightwing ghouls. With an egoist in a khole paying and promoting hate speech. YouTube, their algorithm sucks. But as much as I dislike that they allow propaganda etc like daily wire etc. They also allow propaganda like second thought which I also dislike. They certainly aren’t perfect. But not the same thing.