People say lemmy isnt as toxic as reddit and while i feel thats partially true i also feel its partially not

if you have the best of intentions but the group or user circles dont think so then you are turned away

I recently shared a video in a post that in my opinion contains feedback that could be beneficial to open source, met with mostly hostility on that post when i only wanted to share that video to help open source

and then there is the toxicity of some groups on lemmy, im left wing because i think everyone should be equal and the world should be free from bigotry and intolerance but some of the left wing comments on lemmy read as toxic and i feel like I’m a person who wants better in the world but I’m excluded from other left wing people because of the toxicity

it makes me feel i have the be careful on lemmy with what i say and cant give good intentioned feedback or criticism to other users because it’ll just be met with hostility if the group / user circle/s doesn’t like it or be misinterpreted as an attack

all of that can feel very unwelcoming me at times

sorry if this doesn’t come across as clear, its just that i suck at writing “high quality posts / comments” and i wanted to get emotion to text and vent

    1 month ago

    Just wanted to put this to you - anyone can join here and say anything. You don’t need to be educated on a topic, finish school or be mentally stable to put your opinion here and call it fact.

    Don’t put any weight on anyone you won’t trust with the rest of your life.

    1 month ago

    It always blows my mind when people don’t realize that public forums are largely representative of…the public.

    “Group think” is just an excuse for "I can’t admit my thoughts about (x) are wrong / idiotic/ insulting.

    Conservatives usually parrot this when claiming how “liberal” reddit is. That’s how you can usually tell the loonies.

    • x4740N@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      It always blows my mind when people don’t realize that public forums are largely representative of…the public.

      Yeah i guess it’s representative of its toxicity

      I want the equality of everyone to be taken seriously and not have groups be excluded in the name of equality and i want the world free of bigotry, intolerance and those who preach intolerance but the toxicity of some of the lemmy comments i have seen feels highly exclusionary and hostile

      lemmy users seem to mostly go after and attack groups of people rather than working with those groups to weed out and get rid of the bad actors, its just straight to attacking entire groups and creating a toxic unwelcoming atmosphere and to clarify I’m not talking about groups that are inherently evil like conservatives or genocidal groups

      We’re all humans and all humans deserve the right to equality and a world without bigotry and intolerance, yet the toxicity I’ve seem on lemmy seems to go against that

    1 month ago

    Any place that has large dedicated fan bases can come off toxic. Open source, Linux and politicd aren’t any different. There will always be those that feel you aren’t the “right kind” of fan etc. Just do your best to be introspective and understanding. It’s the best any of us can often do.

    It’s definitely a shock for example to slip from the shallow pool of “left” in western, especially American politics. Into a system originally started by leninists/stalinists. And I’ve seen plenty of toxicity to non conforming lefties from that group. Though to be fair, as an anti authoritarian lefty. I know I have issues when dealing with authoritarians. Including leninists /stalinists. Which I’m trying to moderate. Seeing as many of them are very young naive and impressionable. As well as much less likely to listen when someone is hostile.