Spiritual But Not Religious | Eclectic Spirituality

You cannot take away the rights of others in the name of equality and cannot allow intolerance as intolerance stifles tolerance

Migrated from reddit with the same username

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  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • It always blows my mind when people don’t realize that public forums are largely representative of…the public.

    Yeah i guess it’s representative of its toxicity

    I want the equality of everyone to be taken seriously and not have groups be excluded in the name of equality and i want the world free of bigotry, intolerance and those who preach intolerance but the toxicity of some of the lemmy comments i have seen feels highly exclusionary and hostile

    lemmy users seem to mostly go after and attack groups of people rather than working with those groups to weed out and get rid of the bad actors, its just straight to attacking entire groups and creating a toxic unwelcoming atmosphere and to clarify I’m not talking about groups that are inherently evil like conservatives or genocidal groups

    We’re all humans and all humans deserve the right to equality and a world without bigotry and intolerance, yet the toxicity I’ve seem on lemmy seems to go against that