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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • DBZ fan. Lots of things:

    • SSJ4 could be canon. It just requires a full moon and a tail. When all the Saiyans in-universe don’t have them, it’s kinda impossible…
    • Becoming SSJ easily (Goten and Trunks) is easily explained by saying that because their fathers already were SSJ by the time of conception, it had become a natural reflex to them, rather than a barrier that needed to be broken.
    • They’ve been able to blow up planets since the days of 9000 power levels, probably even with 1000, yet with power levels of 1B the fights are largely the same. Explain this as some sort of ki concentration, where your energy has…more energy per energy, or something?
    • Goku’s “telepathy” was always just him feeling someone’s energy, and feeling how flustered and overwhelmed they are. He does a similar thing to Future Trunks, but it wasn’t called telepathy, it was “searching his emotions” - another BS way of saying “shit, you don’t look good, what’s up!”.
    • The Dragon Balls take a year to charge, but are often usable pretty much right away - the RR army get them 8 months after they were used, and despite being used to revive Goku the Earth balls are used basically a month later because Kami is revived. Maybe just explain it as Kami needing time to revive them as they’re intrinsically linked? It Kami goes on bed rest, you’ll have Dragon Balls in a few weeks…
    • Launch didn’t disappear. She married Tien, they have kids, and she stays at home to raise them.

    I could probably write a book to “fix” the show, but these fixes just tend to annoy fans because they want a “canon” answer to a show that is hilariously broken.

  • EnderMB@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzCome on, science!
    2 months ago

    I recently upgraded from a OP6 to the new Pixel, and aside from being a bit shinier in some ways, it felt like an expensive downgrade, since I’ve lost a headphone jack and gained features I didn’t particularly care about.

    The days of a phone upgrade bringing new features feel like a lifetime ago.

  • Way back in 2010 I did some paper reading at university on AI in healthcare, and even back then there were dedicated AI systems that could outperform many healthcare workers in the US and Europe.

    Where many of the issues came were not in performance, but in liability. If a single person is liable, that’s fine, but what if a computer program provides an incorrect dosage to an infant, or a procedure with two possible options goes wrong and a human would choose the other?

    The problems were also painted as observational. Often, the AI would get things with a clear solution right far more, but would observe things far less. It basically had the same conclusions that many other industries have - AI can produce some useful tools to help humans, but using it to replace humans results in fuck-ups that make the hospital (more notably, it’s leaders) liable.

  • It’s weird, because in many ways he could’ve been viewed as a champion of the left. He owns one of the largest brands in “sustainable” travel, owns a space company, and has money to burn.

    I think he probably had a mental breakdown a few years ago, and that what we’ve seen is from him is basically untreated mental illness, exacerbated by being pals with the likes of Rogan and Chappelle, two guys that can handle fame and not give a fuck.

    But things could’ve been very different if he weren’t such a cunt.

  • I went to look around a nursery the other day, one that is attached to a school. We walked past kids that couldn’t have been older than 6-7 dancing (possibly filming) to a TikTok vid, on a brand-new looking iPhone.

    I’m usually against governments getting involved in the internet, since they have such a piss-poor understanding of tech, but it would be good to see some kind of regulation that bans people of a certain age from operating a smartphone without a limited set of operations (i.e. to contact parents, to get school alerts, etc), alongside school bans for the use of social media on school grounds. My wife is a teacher, and cyber bullying is rampant, whether it’s the police getting called in over someone (underage) sending nudes and having them posted online once they break up, or fights being planned via iMessage or WhatsApp, and sometimes even people creating fake Tinder/Grindr profiles of their teachers (or to try to match with them).

    Obviously, there are parents that’ll just say “fuck it, it keeps them quiet” or ones that’ll let them use a smartphone due to peer pressure, but a lot of it can be cut down before it becomes a problem.

    In many ways, I’m quite glad I grew up with AIM and MSN Messenger. This kind of online power would have been crazy to me as a kid, and I don’t envy kids that have to deal with this landscape.

  • My own personal belief is very close to what you’ve said. It’s a technology that isn’t new, but had been assumed to not be as good as compositional models because it would cost a fuck-ton to build and would result in dangerous hallucinations. It turns out that both are still true, but people don’t particularly care. I also believe that one of the reasons why ChatGPT has performed so well compared to other LLM initiatives is because there is a huge amount of stolen data that would get OpenAI in a LOT of trouble.

    IMO, the real breakthroughs will be in academia. Now that LLM’s are popular again, we’ll see more research into how they can be better utilised.

  • I work in AI. LLM’s are cool and all, but I think it’s all mostly hype at this stage. While some jobs will be lost (voice work, content creation) my true belief is that we’ll see two increases:

    1. The release of productivity tools that use LLM’s to help automate or guide menial tasks.

    2. The failure of businesses that try to replicate skilled labour using AI.

    In order to stop point two, I would love to see people and lawmakers really crack down on AI replacing jobs, and regulating the process of replacing job roles with AI until they can sufficiently replace a person. If, for example, someone cracks self-driving vehicles then it should be the responsibility of owning companies and the government to provide training and compensation to allow everyone being “replaced” to find new work. This isn’t just to stop people from suffering, but to stop the idiot companies that’ll sack their entire HR department, automate it via AI, and then get sued into oblivion because it discriminated against someone.

  • I’m all for this!

    It’s what basically every other AI tool wants to do, because building and operating LLM’s at this scale is horrifically expensive.

    So let them do it. Those that want these tools will pay, and the 99.999% of people that don’t give a fuck about AI can just continue as normal.

    Hell, if Google want to deshitify their search by removing the ML nonsense they’ve been loading into it for the last decade or so, even better! Let me pay for that too, and I’ll pay them exactly nothing.