• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Motherfucker you came at me with a challenge to a position that I clearly didn’t have, and your “apology” was obviously a snide attempt to make a second equally ridiculous accusation.

    You also said I “voiced prejudice”. (EDIT: In fact, you called it an “accusation”, your words, so it wasn’t some academic detached notion that you were attacking, it was my conduct directly) Now, if that’s meant to mean something other than you accusing me of racism or whatever “geographical” prejudice is, go for it. Explain yourself.

    I never said anything prejudicial towards any group. Once again, if I did, fucking show it. Explain your working.

    So far I am working off of vague insinuations and technical "well ackshually"s from you. If you have something to say, fucking say it.

  • The opposite of Racist is not a Racist with an opposite list of “good” and bad “races”, it’s somebody who thinks it’s not race that makes people be “good” or “bad”.

    It was indeed incorrect and unfair of my part to accuse you of voicing prejudice by race when the prejudice you voiced was by “geographical area of birth”.

    Put those two together, in context, like you might do if you could read things, understand them and infer basic meaning, and that’s actually very clearly what you were saying.

    In case you can’t follow it because for example you are trying to avoid taking responsibility for what you said: you said I divided people into good and bad by race, then you corrected yourself and said my prejudice was based on geography. That prejudice was clearly established as believing in good and bad people.

    You’re right, that really wasn’t hard, because you absolutely did say that.

    You clearly don’t have anything honest to say or you’d have said it. You’re 0 for 3 on actually saying something that makes sense yet. I don’t hold out hope for future comments.

  • Now you’re conflating tankies with anticapitalism in general, another classic tankie trope. You don’t have a monopoly on the concept, although you love to pretend you do because the only way your ideas could have any legitimacy is if it is literally a binary choice between neoliberal capitalism and what amounts to state capitalism. Just like in your mind it’s a binary choice between US imperialism and red imperialism.

    No thanks, I’ll take my actual anticapitalism and anti-imperialism instead of a red flag any day.

    You don’t seem to have much self-awareness about this, so I’ll just repeat it: you are not convincing anyone. Let it go. Take the L. I’m sure any attempt to rebutt this will just be you showing your butt all over again. I doubt you’ll listen to this because myopic, tone-deaf self-righteousness seems to be another tankie trait, but at least I tried.

  • They were the most upvoted posts in the community, so no, they weren’t disagreed at all.

    I just want to point out that you have said in another comment that they were the first posts, so it’s not exactly surprising that they were the most upvoted at least at one point in time.

    Beyond that this is such transparent concern trolling and your posts were so obviously off topic, and your attempts to feign ignorance so woefully unconvincing that they don’t even bear responses. Anyone who thinks this is a scandal is already a tankie like you, volodya ilich, meaning they can’t see this for the transparent bullshit that it is. That kind of credulity is a requirement for becoming a tankie in the first place.

    I cannot imagine anybody being convinced by this.

  • This doesn’t tell the devastating story I think you were hoping it would tell. Your posts there, while not wrong and not even necessarily disagreed with by the people there, were off topic and obviously just an attempt at whataboutism.

    Whilst we’re on the topic of bad faith actors, you seem to be intent on drumming up drama by posting things that you know are off topic, that you know are likely to get you removed and then cry foul about it here. Yes, the term “commie” as a synonym for tankie is wrong and a little concerning, but you’re not making a strong case here.

    Maybe they are some shitbag centrist, who knows. That doesn’t change the fact that the tankie instances are doing tankie things completely consistent with the behaviour of tankie mods which are notorious to anyone with experience of them either here, on reddit or elsewhere.

  • You fell back from the motte to the bailey then went ham on a strawman because the actual argument was getting too much for you.

    You accused Gen Z of some specific behaviour and when I asked you about it you fell back on some vague notion of the generations simply being different.

    You were clearly implying some difference of character, but when I point out that that’s pretty weak you pretend I was talking about biology, which I never mentioned.

    If you think Gen Z is more likely to block, check out, whatever, explain where you get it from. If you’re not going to do that then I will just continue to believe that you’re basing it on your own biases and move on. You clearly aren’t very disciplined about your thought processes.

    Oh but you had it worse as a kid? Also something we’ve been hearing for millenia from intellectually lazy entitled assholes.

  • Okay, but you brought it up and then when asked about it instead of explaining you fell back on the idea that it’s self-evident, which I think I’m right to not be convinced by.

    To the extent the generations appear different I think is easily explained by the difference in material conditions that each has grown up within and the necessarily different ages of each group at any given time, and nothing to do with the inate characters of the people involved.

    I see zoomers intensely involved in the issues that affect the world and any extent they feel the need to check out I think is 100% valid given the bleak world they have been born into, much bleaker than at any earlier time.

    I see a hard-nosed pragmatic awareness of the need for hope in the face of our grim reality because it is the only way we can find a path through. I have heard that message from people of all ages, but also from zoomers.

    Again, I don’t think there’s much difference and one thing that absolutely hasn’t changed over millenia is bemoaning the state of the “kids these days”.