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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • 5 years ago I met my wife on Tinder. I swiped with a paid “super like” to get to the front of the line. It worked. I would imagine tinder is still your best bet as far as getting to actually meet someone, but anything more than a bungled meetup is dependent on you not being a shit show, having a little charm, not being completely broke or devoid of motivation, etc. everyone’s mileage is gonna vary.

  • What I wouldn’t give to see Big Gretch in the Oval Office. MAGAts literally tried to hatch a plan to kidnap and murder her, so she’s aware of the threat they pose to civilization in a way few others are. That aside, she’s taught effectively for labor, helped repeal right to work in her home state, and is brimming with personality.

    She also doesn’t want the job, which makes her even more perfect for it.

  • I live in a city immediately adjacent to one of the statistically blackest cities in America. I went to school in said black city for most of my childhood. I work in that city and have lots of black coworkers that I get along with just fine. My take? They’re just people like any other. Some of them are assholes. Some of them beat their wives. Some of them are total nerds. Some of them are the kind and intelligent. Some aren’t. Just like every other skin color. Black people are just people.

    And yeah, people assume a lot of shit about them as a group and make idiotic blanket statements. I have some of my own preconceived notions in my head, and when they pop up in my head I remind myself how dumb it is to carry those.

  • Die. We will die. The only crutch that props up our massive jump from 1 billion pre industrialized society to our current 8 billion human beings on this planet, has been cheap and plentiful fossil fuel. Notably, it is the only thing that has allowed us to practice agriculture on a scale that supports our population growth. When it’s gone, there is nothing to replace it, short of a miracle fusion revolution.

    The average carbon cost to produce an electric vehicle is about 6 tons on average, not including the battery, about the same as an ICE vehicle. Where does the energy for auto manufacturing come from? Primarily coal and natural gas, with a sliver of insubstantial wind and nuclear power. About 7 barrels of oil go into each and every tire on the road (between expended energy and actual petroleum products in the tire). Charging the battery? Coal, natural gas, and the same trickle of alternative sources mentioned above.

    Speaking of those alternative energy sources, what do we use to make them? Building a nuclear power plant is likely the most carbon intensive process ever devised, from the machinery that moves the earth, to the foundry that makes the steel. As much as I’ve always wanted to believe in a cozy eco future, every time I squint a little I can see that it’s all just a coat of green paint over the same old oil field. The people trying to sell you on oil, and the people trying to sell you on alternatives to it, are doing the same thing. Selling you something. That’s all that matters to them.

    There is no feasible alternative that changes the outcome. There is no replacement for what has allowed us to create wonders and horrors beyond our ancestors wildest dreams, and sustain a population far beyond anything we could have achieved without fossil fuels. When oil finally becomes unproductive, so will the mechanisms that hold our current civilization together, and we will wind up back in 1810 if we’re lucky, or 400ad if we aren’t.

    Call me a doomer and downvote me or whatever. It doesn’t matter.

  • And just like the history of Reddit, from being niche and obscure to being ubiquitous and heavily trafficked, everything gets horrible when it gets big. The enshittification eye of Sauron is always watching, waiting for anything to get good enough to ruin.

    No thanks, I’m a Linux user that is okay with being in the 2-4%. If it had a large market share, someone would find a way to capitalize on it. I’m also perfectly happy with my one and only form of social media staying small and cozy.