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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Number one is the key.

    I apparently DO get sleep paralysis, I just didn’t know it because I only sleep on my sides and it doesn’t affect you the same way if you’re not on your back. Somehow the part of your brain that immobilizes sleeping you to keep you from actually physically acting out every motion you make while dreaming doesn’t deem your core paralyze-worthy if you’re on one side. Just your arms/legs.

    I have occasionally gotten it if I’ve accidentally ended up on my back, and it happens every time I DO end up on my back, but I never connected the dots.

    Weirdly enough, it’s never been scary for me, even when it extended to my face and I couldn’t open my eyes, but I’ve also been lucid dreaming since, like, first grade.