I know! Its so easy its great! Plus its generally cheaper too, so I don’t have to work very hard and I still have enough money. God damn life is easy.
I know! Its so easy its great! Plus its generally cheaper too, so I don’t have to work very hard and I still have enough money. God damn life is easy.
A few people cared, fewer did anything about it. Most were more concerned with mass production of cheap shit.
Got a heat pump to replace the gas boiler, bike instead of car and replaced the concrete paved garden with what will hopefully become a wildflower meadow with shrubs on the edges. You can actually just stop buying a lot of the stuff that is causing these problems.
There is a single feature I kinda wish it had, view message history. Doesn’t have to be permanent history, like last 30 minutes/messages would be fine. But using IRC on an intermittent connection isn’t great in my experience. Otherwise I would love to go back to IRC.
Pretty sure there are greetings that spread more germs than a handshake, what about a hug or kiss?
I will not. I refuse to get a smartphone.
Can you have an instance that allows viewing other instances, but others can’t see in?
If you buy this you can’t really complain much about the price being unreasonable as you are showing its a price you will pay.
My most expensive (and best) gaming purchase of 2024 was Factorio: Space Age at £30. RimWorld - Anomaly and Enshrouded (£19.99/£22.49) were probably the next best purchases. Medieval Dynasty (£26.99) was also pretty good. Few other things under £20 at mixed quality too.
Shit like this is why I don’t have a smartphone anymore. I have a brick phone that half the time I don’t even take out with me.
Why should my OS be any of their concern?
Yeah… I did this kind of thing before as a password and found that out the hard way
As if the US government could understand this platform. It will be a shame to lose lemmy.world though
If he buys intel surely he is buying your investment in intel to do so?
Actually I have admin access to my work laptop, so while my employer pays for what ever the fuck they pay for I frequently use FOSS instead.
I do it to make a point.
I think most normal people are quite happy to ignore the opinions of anyone that denies the holocaust.
Although I wonder how many people realise the scale of it? 6 million Jews gets repeated a lot more than all the other victims. Ask the average person in the street how many died and how many would say it was 6 million in total and forget the rest? The other victims shouldn’t be forgotten about.
The actual gigachad move: Leave your phone at home and go touch grass.
Ill stick with slow cooking it until its almost falling apart
Why should it be an app? I would prefer a website, it works on everything then as everything has a web browser. We don’t need to harvest user data here so what would the app provide? Plus it restricts users that are not on apple/android
Allow parents to implement DNS logging/blocking? I did this inadvertently where I used to live in a shared house at one point. Set the DNS settings of the routers DHCP to point to my pihole.
Then a few months later I realised when I looked at the logs when trying to diagnose an issue that I had logs of everyones DNS history. I needed a shower after glancing at that. Trivial to bypass if you know how to of course, but logging it instead of blocking it means you are less likely to realise at first while a block is obvious and you can go on to bypass it.
Looking at the price I can hardly blame people for turning to alternative sources. Based on the wage there it would be like a bottle costing £150 or so here.
If people selling it on the black market are going to keep poisoning people it would be safer to make it yourself.
Agreed. They would probably call both items religious or cultural symbols and move on.