• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The Monongahela River is pretty calm in rural parts. Local creeks can also be good after it rains but can have some rapids. I look for rougher waters because I enjoy the thrill. I also own a racing kayak that’s meant for stuff like that lol. My stepfather has a sit inside fishing kayak and it does okay in shallower waters, but I always scout ahead to warm him of obstacles lol. Ohiopyle is also an insanely popular spot to kayak and has all levels of difficulty. Can’t really say more without doxxing my location lmao.

    As for fishing, I don’t take part in it, but big catfish are very very common. Relatives regularly catch 1-3 ft fish. They like cicadas if you can get some when they’re out. I’ve also seen people use chicken livers. A lot of people make their own bait concoctions as well. There are also loads of carp that eat the same stuff as catfish. Bluegill are common but aren’t big enough to eat. I recommend being careful with where you catch your fish if you intend to eat them. Researching the history of the waterways to see their pollution history is very helpful when determining if a fish is safe to eat imo.

    You also gotta be careful of water moccasins. They like to swim around. See at least one every time I kayak (which isn’t as often as I would like. It’s been a few years because my stepfather and I have been dealing with health issues and all the bullshit that comes with home ownership. Adult life, amirite. T_T)

  • I dream every night. My dreams are vivid and weird as hell. Idk if it’s the result of one of my medications or my epilepsy or what, but my dreams have always been strange. Most of them have some reoccurring elements such as:

    Being trapped in an enclosed aquarium of cold, dark water with a hungry orca

    Being chased by the Amish while my little sister (who does not know how to drive) drives the car through the woods. She crashes into a tree every time.

    Being in the passenger or back seat of my car while it’s moving and scrambling to get back to the driver’s seat.

    Being back in high school, but knowing that I’m not supposed to be there.

    Getting a horse (something I’ve desperately wanted for years. Had them growing up and loved it)


  • Actually being there and staying involved is important. My biodad was a complete POS until last year. My mom was essentially a single mother my whole life because my biodad was never around. He was a really good father for the first two years of my life, then he just kinda stopped giving a shit. I recommend that you don’t do that. He used to manipulate tf out of me emotionally and would make so many false promises. His mental health was fucked and he was an alcoholic for a long time.

    I cut ties entirely with him and a few years after that, he reached out to my mom to see if we could talk. He had finally gotten his shit together. He’s on his meds and doesn’t drink like he used to. I don’t see the man as a father, however. I see him as a friend. We text almost daily, but he knows that I don’t consider him a father-figure and acknowledges it and all of his wrongdoings. He was only 21 years too late, but that’s better than never.

    He is part of the reason I have a very hard time trusting people. He had let me down countless times in my life and each time just broke me. I just couldn’t not get my hopes up at his false promises. He was so good at sounding genuine. Now that he’s sober and on his meds, I’ve learned that his truly genuine tone and words are far different than the ones he used when he was still a drunk.

    Anyway, I highly recommend you don’t do any of the shit my biodad did. Being hella bitter about your relationship with your father sucks.