Beat someone to death with it while storming your country’s top government building trying to overthrow said government.
Just add some treason/insurrection on top.
Beat someone to death with it while storming your country’s top government building trying to overthrow said government.
Just add some treason/insurrection on top.
As someone else said: it doesn’t replace streaming even a little. Pirating is replacing buying music directly. Streaming facilitates finding new music and trying it out. Being able to listen to anything at any time. You simply can’t do that with downloads; no one can download everything. Piracy in this case really just works for people still listening to their highschool favs and not people looking for new stuff all the time.
I didn’t realize the moon’s distance to the Earth varied enough to cause annular eclipses. I always wondered why we didn’t see more eclipses since the moon is revolving around earth monthly.
Oh I will.
Make sure you keep your money in bitcoin so when it crashes we can all laugh at you. Again.
This kid is going places.
Spiders and I have an agreement: don’t spin webs at people height. Spiders get the corners, ceilings and anywhere we don’t walk. If you try to spin a web on the bananas, RIP.