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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • I think what makes this argument true is that it’s FICTION. Even in a dystopia that is super bleak, with an ending where everyone dies, we can remain hopeful that it’s cautionary fiction.

    You could make similar arguments about any other fiction or genre as well. “All dark comedies are hopeful because they show the human ability to make light of bleak and tragically ironic situations”. “All horror movies are hopeful because the fictional creature at the center of the story cannot be real”.

  • Usually when people say “gender is a social construct” they mean that when your 7th grade biology teacher told you there are males and females, there was more to the story.

    If someone tried to tell you that you can fit everything into either the “food” bucket or the “not food” bucket, you would definitely have questions. How do we define food? Food for whom?

    If you define food as something edible, with nutritional value… How much nutritional value? A stone covered in lichen probably has nutritional value and I might try to eat it if I were starving to death. Raw grains of wheat might have nutritional value but also might make me sick of I ate them whole, but we all recognize they are generally edible and are usually processed into bread.

    “Food” is a useful concept in that it can usually help guide humans toward sustenance. It was never meant as some airtight philosophical concept.

  • People raise good points about the federal system.

    Let’s say a governor did hire a hitman and murder is a state crime. All of a sudden we now have a conspiracy and ideally the federal government would take jurisdiction of what is now a federal crime. At that point, the governor would need to bribe or threaten the president to pardon these federal crimes…

    Similarly, if it was the president orchestrating some sort of conspiracy, he might be able to delay or pardon federal offences, but as we are seeing with the 2016/2020 election crimes of Trump, a patchwork of state and federal cases are made all being handled (or delayed) via different powers.

    Federalism is sort of good in that power is relatively diffuse. But it breaks down when 50% of courts and other officials just decide their friends can do as they will.