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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yeah I would imagine so 😂

    Also, if you have a list of orders, don’t give them all at once. Instead, order the first drink, let them pour it, let them put it on the bar in front of you, let them walk to the POS, let them log in and add it to the bill, and when they come back and ask for payment, say “can I also get a uhhhhhhhhhhhh” and order your second drink.

    Do this for as long as your order is, the larger the better. The reason for this is that staff are usually wearing pedometers and it allows them to rack up a higher score, and your fellow patrons will appreciate it because it’ll add a small delay to their drinking pace, allowing them to savour the moment a little more.

    idiot edit: I have absolutely replied to the wrong comment, but I’m 2cool4deleting so whatever

  • When purchasing a round of drinks, establishments generally aren’t fond of digital payments and are usually short on change as most prices end in a 9.

    What’s really appreciated is if you bring a coin purse, and count out each total in change (denominations up to and including 50p - pound coins in extremis) on the bar so the staff don’t have to provide you with change.

    For additional kudos, do this on a Friday or Saturday night when the bar is four deep. The patrons will appreciate your effort and respect for the public house financial system, and often chant words of wisdom at you, rendering you a local hero.

  • I nipped in the Admiralty on Trafalgar Sq last Saturday lunchtime for a swift one, expecting to get royally horsed for being in a) London, b) in a tourist hotspot, and c) generally daring to have a pint outside of my own home.

    £6.50. I wasn’t even mad. I thought it was even cheap given the above factors, even if it was Amstel.

    In my local though, £4.10 for a pint of best or something similar.

    Offtopic: I ordered two large blonde lattes at the local Starbucks, and it was £10.10. it’s literally cheaper to go on the piss than drink average-but-decent coffee now.

  • I watched a few of the current reboot and it was just… meh. It wasn’t bad by any means, but I didn’t find it to be particularly good - just felt like a college animation project that are ten a penny on YouTube.

    I mean, you could argue nothing has changed - but it was fresh in the 90’s, not every goon could share their work to the masses within seconds, and the final nail in the coffin was the pivot away from rock music commentary or lampooning pop tunes.

    As always though, it’s a subjective opinion, and maybe my view is skewed by watching the originals and the 2011 reboot.

  • Alright, I’m going to be a real pain in the arse here and throw some edge cases at that idea - not because I’m trying to be a cockwaffle (I can manage that all by myself), but trying to straighten out my understanding of these things…

    In short, what criteria does the data have to meet to make it immutable, and can that be changed in future?

    Birth certificates are brilliant for establishing time dates and places, but what if someone changes their name or gender partway through life? Is there a function to amend the original blockchain entry, or is a new one created that supersedes an old entry in the ledger?

  • I’m fortunate in as much that my professional accreditations (and being a part time student) get me access to all sorts of discounts, but even still it’s worth asking for a student discount (or whatever they offer at the till) all the same.

    Nine times out of ten, the retail staff aren’t paid enough to give two fucks, so they’ll just put it through as whatever discount appears on their till.

    The worst they can say is no, after all - and that costs nothing.