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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Yeah - the dose is the poison (if you drink enough water it becomes toxic), so if you are talking precisely you need to describe the concentration of a substance in which it is likely lethal to a person, and that’s typically expressed as mass of a substance per mass of bodyweight. A lot of the time you will also see this expressed as an “LD50” value; the dose at which you’d expect 50% of people to die. This accounts for the fact that people’s metabolisms vary quite widely.

    ~1ng/kg ~= 0.08ug for a typical (~80kg) person, which is a very tiny amount - whatever you are talking about is incredibly toxic.

  • On top of the logistics of moving massive amounts of water around, flood water is typically highly contaminated - by their nature, floods sweep up everything in their path, which typically will include things like:

    • Soil and sand (a massive pain to filter out)
    • Agricultural run off (manure, pesticides, fertilizer, …)
    • Raw sewage (from treatment plants that tend to be near waterways, or just from damaged infrastructure)
    • Industrial wastes (from existing plants, or old contaminated sites)

    Infectious disease is a major problem after a flood, partly because of infrastructure damage but also just because so many people will have come in contact with contaminated water - you don’t want to irrigate your crops with flood water, much less drink it

  • Edit: from the other answers, I’m probably wrong - maybe don’t trust this as correct

    I don’t think so - HDMI and Display Port actually carry their signals in the same way, so the adapter is basically just converting between two plug types without any smarts in the middle.

    In theory you could get an adapter that is badly made and adds some noise to the signal or something and forces the monitor to down-spec it’s signal but I’m not sure how likely that is to come across.

  • My Dad does this with adults running marathons; it’s way more involved than just running with someone; the visually impaired person sets the pace so you have to run a marathon while someone else decides how fast to run, while also trying to anticipate their stride a few seconds in advance so you can spot potential hazards then communicate them back to your partner who needs to have absolute trust in you that you are going to keep them from hurting themselves. You essentially end up being a rally car navigator for a person

  • As others have pointed out, US first amendment laws generally protect shows like South Park because it’s generally understood that the characters in the show that resemble real people are parodies, and the show runners aren’t stating a fact that the real person said or did a thing in reality.

    Funnily enough, the UK has much stricter laws about defaming people - the country has a strict class system, and it wouldn’t do if poor people could embarrass rich people - there is a significant carve out for “vulgar abuse”. If I was to go on TV and (for sake of example) called Boris Johnson three shit-stained jugs of fetted piss wearing a trench coat, that would be ok, because people understand that to be a euphemistic insult, not a literal statement of fact. If I went on TV and said that he was a drunk, that wouldn’t be - unless I can prove that he is an alcoholic, he could sue me for libel. The outcome of this is that an equivalent show to South Park could be made in the UK, it would just have to be utterly filthy

  • As in, hardware RAID is a terrible idea and should never be used. Ever.

    With hardware RAID, you are moving your single point of failure from your drive to your RAID controller - when the controller fails, and they fail more often then you would expect - you are fucked, your data is gone, nice try, play again some time. In theory you could swap the controller out, but in practice it’s a coin flip if that will actually work unless you can find exactly the same model controller with exactly the same firmware manufactured in the same production line while the moon was in the same phase and even then your odds are still only 2 in 3.

    Do yourself a favour, look at an external disk shelf/DAS/drive enclosure that connects over SAS and do RAID in software. Hardware RAID made sense when CPUs were hewn from granite and had clock rates measures in tens of megahertz so offloading things to dedicated silicon made things faster, but that’s not been the case this century.

  • Excluding any dark pattern shenanigans from Frito Lay, the probable answer is that IT systems for large companies are a massive iceberg/rats nest.

    The website you see is probably half a dozen different systems wearing a trenchcoat - the news section is probably a different piece of software to the “our products” section and a different piece again to the “contact us”. It’s not inconceivable that this site might be pulling data from 4 different backends and pushing analytics and behaviour data to 10 different systems run by 4 different companies and actually genuinely have to spend a few seconds querying different places to figure out if you’ve opted out anywhere

  • Smith’s argument conflates humanity and society as being the same thing, because as a machine he has no concept of individuality - to him, humans as a single unit blighted the planet, and therefore are a plague, because he can’t conceive of the idea of free will.

    Things can be fucked up on a macro level, with war and selfishness and greed and destruction, while still being comprised on a micro level of essentially good, unique, interesting people who care for each other. Smith doesn’t see this, because in his eyes humans are all the same - just like him. He is arguing against his own existence

  • The thing I hate about English is that it pretends to have formal rules for sentence structure and grammar, and they are all basically optional to some degree, but plenty of English speakers get really grumpy when people break them. English isn’t like French where there is a literal governing body who is in charge of setting the formal rules for the language - English is a cluster fuck of borrowed words and structures mashed together in a barely coherent mess, stop acting like “should’a” is a violation of section 16.4 subsection 4