I DO NOT want to be forced to use a terminal
I challenge you to fresh install any version of Windows and never use CMD Prompt, Powershell, or Regedit for any reason, ever.
I DO NOT want to be forced to use a terminal
I challenge you to fresh install any version of Windows and never use CMD Prompt, Powershell, or Regedit for any reason, ever.
All of that was over people fighting about feeding a carnivore pet plant based pet food? You’re f*cking kidding me right?
Takes deep breath
Maybe there’s a use case, but I’m anti-cloud and always will be. I struggle to think of a situation I couldn’t do better with in-house (or even air gapped) VMs of my own.
Anyone who watches 365 uptime knows that Microsoft’s cloud is a fragile laughing stock. They use a Twitter account because their own status portal is so laughably trash and unreliable. If you don’t believe me I don’t blame you. Here it is.
The day I trust any cloud platform (Especially Microsoft) is the day I promise to jump off a cliff.
What sick moronic idiot would want a cloud pc that’s accessible via… a pc
I think this is likely the “new only Windows option” in the not so distant future. I think it shouldn’t exist.
In that case, you’ve got some work to do to cripple telemetry on your PC. If you’re on Windows 11 (new 24H2 build) you’d better also disable Recall, because it’s on. https://pureinfotech.com/uninstall-recall-windows-11/
I hate Windows but I don’t hate you- protect yourself
OOSU10 and OFGB should also be run on it.