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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • None.

    I think that the exact measure of whether or not a war is justified is whether or not people are willing to fight it.

    It’s very rare for a war to be a direct threat to the people. That’s generally only the case in a situation like Gaza, in which the invaders explicitly intend to not only take control of the land, but to kill or drive off the current inhabitants.

    As a general rule, the goal is simply to assume control over the government, as is the case in Ukraine.

    So the war is generally not fought to protect and/or serve the interests of the people directly, but to protect and/or serve the interests of the ruling class. And rather obviously, the ruling class has a vested interest in the people fighting to protect them and/or serve their interests. But the thing is that the people do not necessarily share that interest.

    And that, IMO, is exactly why conscription is always wrong. If the people do not feel a need to protect and/or serve the interests of the rulers, then that’s just the way it is. That choice rightly belongs to the people - not to the rulers.

  • Best of luck to them.

    It’s true in essentially all industries, but it’s especially obvious in rideshare that there’s a layer of parasites who get paid far too much money for nothing beyond the fact that they won the fight for the position of “parasite who gets paid far too much money for doing nothing.”

    Anything that might even just decrease the number of overpaid parasites would be a benefit not just to the concerned industry, but to society as a whole.

  • I think it’s generally a bad idea to eliminate a potentially useful feature because some people might abuse it.

    It seems to me that far and away the better choice is to leave the feature in place along with some way to deal with those who do abuse it if and when they do.

    And conveniently enough, deletion and bans - both of which are already within an instance owner’s power - are ways to deal with, respectively, threads that have been maliciously edited and those who edit them.