A person with way too many hobbies, but I still continue to learn new things.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I thought the torus shape was the accepted theory? Guess I haven’t been keeping up on this.

    Near the bottom of the article they mention that if the universe wasn’t flat, we would see multiple copies of the universe in the sky. I’m not sure that is exactly true? Given the speed at which the universe is expanding, especially during the early period after the big bang, it seems reasonable that the light from most stars wouldn’t have had a chance to loop back around yet. Even the light from the earliest stars is just reaching us, so I don’t know why they think it would have had time to loop back around multiple times, unless there’s something I’m missing?

    And nothing in the article really touched on the “holes” mentioned in the title. Are they referring to the center of a torus, which isn’t really a hole that we could observe? I don’t get it.

  • I feel like I want to agree with you, but on the other hand what would happen if everyone were free to use any dead celebrity’s likeness any way they wanted? Keeping in mind that Sinéad O’Connor’s estate just sued Trump for using her music without permission at a rally that goes against everything she stood for, if we weren’t allowed to keep a tight reign on these things then it would unleash some truly unspeakable horrors. For example, what if a speech from MLKJ were allowed to be twisted by white supremacists to spread hatred? It could get out of hand so quickly and the good deeds done by these people could be white-washed. I think we just need to accept certain restrictions in order to safeguard the strongest voices that speak up for the rest of us.

  • The agencies were correct about the information, however unlike OP apparently I know how to adjust for time zone differences. Monday morning in Australia is still Sunday in the US, so yes that would have been the correct time for the warning. But this article was posted here a day after the event occurred, all of the warnings expired, and the Kp index had dropped back down to more moderate levels. At the peak of the event the Kp index reached around 8.0. When I posted my comment yesterday it was sitting at 1.66, well below the threshold for seeing auroras anywhere in the continental US. If you had any chance of seeing auroras here it would have had to be Sunday night, not Monday night.

  • Ever since sites started doing this, StackExchange has been the one constant thorn in my side. “We’ll only ask you once” and yet that popup has appeared every single time I have visited the site, and I’m there quite frequently for programming questions. Other sites like StackOverflow were able to store a cookie containing my selected preferences, but SE seems to ignore my selection and I finally gave up even trying to click on the banner years ago.

    Funny thing is, I checked them again after reading this article, and suddenly there is no cookie banner on the page. Hopefully they finally got it fixed and this isn’t just some temporary fluke.

  • Where I work at they decided the “office” people need to keep a presence just in case some random person walks in off the street and wants to ask questions. I’m the IT guy, I have no intention of talking to anyone I don’t support, I have no knowledge to answer any questions about our business that I could offer, and my office isn’t even near the front desk where I could hear anyone come in anyway … but yeah it totally makes sense that I should have to drive in a couple days a week to a place where they make me pay for parking, just to sit at my desk all day and answer emails.

    Of course there’s two reasons why I haven’t made a stink about their idiocy. First is that in doing my job, it really is helpful to others if they know they can meet me in person at certain times to fix issues that can’t easily be solved over email. The second is that I can see my retirement on the horizon (about ten years away), and in the last ten years the place I work has made a huge contribution to my 401A, so much that it has already passed everything I’ve put away from previous jobs. If I can hunker down for another decade, I won’t even need social security to retire comfortably, and that’s a really good thing since Trump and other Republicans have already stated they are trying to eliminate it so they can justify collecting fewer taxes from the rich. I may be one of the last generations that can afford to retire and I’m not taking that lightly.