There pught to be a decentralized archive of YT. …and Archive
There pught to be a decentralized archive of YT. …and Archive
This. Federalism is such a blessing
I don’t have an opinion on that, but I do think they don’t deserve us to call them by their names. Having their name go down in history is what they want — referring to them descriptively (eg. ‘the tyrant who took over Nazi Germany’) takes the focus away from the person and puts it on their horrible actions – which anyone with those traits, not necessarily just A**** ****** could have done.
I don’t think they included that sensor
The polygonal cow needs to be an official mod
Lol well done
The pouncing jaguar is so visually powerful
Their business is literally selling people’s trash so it’s amusingly appropriate lmao
Microsoft went from 90s corporate to 10s corporate
From an outside observer: it’s gonna be harder, but I don’t think so. Still, the playbook Trump is gonna try and follow with his trifecta is what his mate Orbán did in Hungary. How hard that is going to be to undo depends on how far he gets.
The Democrats should create a shadow presidential cabinet where the health secretary gives science backed advice for people who are looking for it. It would be better to have a centralised political source rather than having everyone independently search Healthline