• 33 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • Yeah, I looked at A* and it is not a bad thing at all! In fact, it looks really cool. Brings me back to when I was learning Python (I haven’t completely learned it, tho, and it was a long time ago).

    I think that making fun of AI would certainly be done through separate tags of posts (I don’t know if those are here yet, and even if they are, I’m newer to Lemmy than a lot of other people). I suppose that making fun of AI could happen, but I don’t know if the people in the community would want it. I’ll certainly compile the evidence on why AI is dangerous, but I suppose insults could bring a more jovial feeling to this place.

    I don’t know if polls are a feature on Lemmy yet, either. I’ll see if it’s there. A megathread would be a great idea. Memes would be fun too, methinks.

    It’s just that I want to help independent artists who are threatened by AI by showing how bad it is, and how it’s plagarism.

  • VerbFlow@lemmy.worldOPMtoFuck AI@lemmy.worldFor Starters
    2 months ago

    “Gold, yellow, glittering, precious gold! Thus much of this, will make black white; foul, fair; Wrong, right; base, noble; old, young; coward, valiant. … What this, you gods? Why, this Will lug your priests and servants from your sides; Pluck stout men’s pillows from below their heads; This yellow slave Will knit and break religions; bless the accurs’d; Make the hoar leprosy ador’d; place thieves, And give them title, knee and approbation, With senators on the bench; this is it, That makes the wappen’d widow wed again: … Come damned earth, Though common whore of mankind.” (Shakespeare: Timon of Athens.)