• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Wanderer@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzHow to become the king
    26 days ago

    Where’s all those 4chan short stories about humans being the “monsters”/ kick ass.

    It was written from the point of view of a deer being tracked by a human even when they were out of sight and smell the humans keep coming and they never got tired.

    There was also ones written from the point of view of aliens.

    Fuck I wish there was a forum version of 4chan. All the best stuff is on there.

  • The internet as a whole was so much better for this.

    Free speech and exchanging of idea and views was great. Most of my time on YouTube was spent looking at out and out discussions, back and forth, about religion. Which seeing as I went to a religious school I didn’t really have anyone to talk to that was very helpful for me.

    Now people come to a conclusion and stick with it. But they also get encouraged by people doing exactly the same upvoting their view and down voting others. Evidence doesn’t matter. Reddit and redditors used to encourage upvoting alternative opinions.

    People are going so far as to want certain views banned just because it isn’t their view. It’s scary how much people want to be restricted. Reddit used to be great for free speech but now its terrible. I was hoping Lemmy would, by it’s federated nature, be an exchange of different ideas and views but if anything it is a lot worse. (I actually find the mods to largely be okay. But the people are terrible, worse than reddit is at this moment it time)

    So no Lemmy is nothing like reddit of old at all. I’d love to go back to reddit from 10 years ago.

  • Not exactly what you want but I heard about people in the military practising things and they learn. “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.”

    By doing that it makes you quicker. Sometimes when I’m late and start rushing I end up forgetting things or knocking things over or dropping. So I take a breath and say slow is fast. Also my career history is big on “right first time” doing something twice is a huge waste.

    Also I remember Adam Savage said he got close to death (or was getting close to being rescued from death) then he told himself “Calm people live. Tense people die.” and he managed to free himself.

    Taking a moment might not just save you time or money it might save your life.

  • Lemmy is beginning to get overly moderated so I think being clear on why comments are getting deleted is a great way to avoid mod abuse.

    I’m a big believer in freedom of speech and how ideas are changed through open and honest discourse for the betterment of mankind. It’s a true ideal of the internet and the world at whole.

    I hope this instance remains as free an open as possible and avoids the mod abuse. Even if that brings us some discomfort.

    I know support is usually quiet and complaints are voiced. As such I just wanted to voice my support. Thank you.

  • Bostrom wrote a paper on existential risk that helped launch the longtermist movement, in which he discusses “dysgenic pressures” – dysgenic is the opposite of eugenic. Bostrom wrote:

    “Currently it seems that there is a negative correlation in some places between intellectual achievement and fertility. If such selection were to operate over a long period of time, we might evolve into a less brainy but more fertile species, homo philoprogenitus (‘lover of many offspring’).”

    Well I would rather people discuss and look at these issues. Currently it seems people have made the decision before, and potentially in spite of, evidence and that decision is final. That not how the world should work.

  • I don’t really have a problem with any dog specifically.

    But I don’t think there is any reason to have something like a pitbull unless you absolutely need it for security.

    Largely they should be bred out of existence. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t include other breeds like pugs and maybe even something like a poodle.

    Pretty much every dog is great but you don’t need a pitbull, get something else. For the love of god don’t get a pug or I’ll think you’re a cunt.