Assuming that’s a meter cubed it weighs 19 tons, or 65 tons for 1.5m³
All the cool girls downvoting
Fast charging generates more heat, and heat degrades lithium batteries. That is the issue, not how long the phone is plugged in
The article literally says fast charging degrades your battery faster
As a scented pede I approve
You can keep them. Btw the plant likes lots of fertilizer, especially next spring/summer
Unrealistic. Hanging the towel after use resets the sides
It’s about 9 m wide, in case anyone else has no idea what 860 square-Converse™ is
Your title needs some fixing
Ok so boss gave me wire and wax. Now where do I get a skeleton? 🤔
Calling a made up construct “the absolute truth” is hilarious
You mean the heiliges römisches Reich deutscher Nation?
Do you think they get mad if I bring plasma
I like the word “model”, I think it’s a better fit even. We’re modeling reality. Some models turn out to be shit, while others are well tested giving confidence that they mimic reality well.
Some have 3D printers!
There is no identified threshold or safe level of lead in blood” [AAP 2016]
I’d call that “you really shouldn’t” for an adult, and for a baby I’d tell them to “please reconsider” for sure
Transcription: Comic style drawing of Dracula and a black cat. The cat is lying in his plush red velvet lined coffin, while Dracula is sleeping next to it on the hard floor. A caption reads “If Dracula had a cat”.