Synth noodling conceptual artist

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • Oh no, I get you. I think we are a similar age.

    I was at the Reading Festival in '96 and I think offspring were playing.

    There was a slightly older guy stood in the middle of the crowd shouting, you call this punk… This ain’t punk. This ain’t shit.

    The kids were laughing at him.

    This week in Glasgow Green Day played a gig and all I saw was middle aged men and their daughters wearing matching merch t-shirts.

    I’m assuming at some point I travel back in time to '96 to try to stop this.

  • Yeah, no.

    Newton was such a complex human. He seemed capable of holding many, sometimes opposing beliefs, at the same time.

    Newton’s conception of the physical world provided a model of the natural world that would reinforce stability and harmony in the civic world. Newton saw a monotheistic God as the masterful creator whose existence could not be denied in the face of the grandeur of all creation.

    There’s even a Wikipedia page dedicated to his religious beliefs.

    If you are into learning about him there’s also a rather good read, The Janus Faces of Genius, by Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs, that looks into his occult work.

    Furthermore, for the sake of complexity, we can look into how, when he was the warden of the mint, he became responsible for the deaths of 19 people. He turned a largely ceremonial role into a task force, chasing down forgers and sentencing them to death.

  • I mean if it was instead of ads that inyerupt the actual video I’m all for it.

    I suspect it will be as well as the other ads.

    Read somewhere today that all these disruptive technologies basically undercut the conventional competition and then slowly become them.

    We are full circle back to cable now. A hundred different platforms all trying to gouge you for every penny you can spare.

    Next up google gets good traction tattooing brand names on the inside of your eyelids. Or advertising to you whilst you sleep, or go to the toilet.

    Still, infinitely prefer that to paying a subscription to a service and still having to endure adverts.

  • I’m specifically talking about the difference in time between when he wrote the story and when that film was made.

    That is, one is pre- the conception of cyberpunk as a formal genre and the other is very much post- it.

    I wasn’t attacking anything you said, and I’m sorry you interpreted it that way.

    Also, I’m not saying anything about the quality of the films made of his work. I sort of agree with you. They make fine books, but film is a different form and requites different ways of exploring narrative. If anything his work acts as a good launching point to explore ideas in film, rather than acting as templates for a movie.

  • You should read up on how Dick and his drug usage led to his own paranoia. This is practically a diary.

    I also think you are confusing films made from his work with the actual work itself. To comment on the worlds Dick was creating you need to look at the text rather than adaptation that came decades after cyberpunk was already a thing (in some cases). An aesthetic veneer of cyberpunk works well with his narratives but not neccessarily with the writing style.