• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • bstix@feddit.dktoScience Memes@mander.xyzIrrational
    10 days ago

    The definition of irrational numbers is that they are the real numbers that are not rationel. So we need to look at the definition of real numbers. A real number is a number that can be used to measure a continuous one dimensional quantity.

    Quantum physics says that reality is not continuous. Particles make “discrete” jumps instead of moving continuously. So irrational numbers can’t exist.

  • No. It doesn’t work like that at all.

    You might as well turn up the volume knob to gain back the lost amplitude. That will maintain the mix that you just set to your liking. Just set it as you like it.

    However, if you do boost the frequencies a lot so the signal starts clipping, then it begins to make sense to adjust the faders in relation to each other until it stops clipping and still have the “shape” that you like, and then use the volume knob afterwards again.

    For instance, if you like a lot of bass and turn up the bass, then it’ll likely clip. It might be better to turn everything else but the bass down and then boost the volume.

    This is mostly an issue for the bass area. Our hearing is (logarithmically) less sensitive to low frequencies, so in order to turn up the bass we have to make it much louder than if we want to turn up the treble. The bass easily takes up the entire “headroom” available in the signal, resulting in clipping before it is amplified. The rule of thumb is that cutting is better than boosting.

    Anyway, unless you’re compensating for a bad speaker or similar, it’s generally best to leave the EQ alone. Professionally produced music is already mastered to utilise the entire frequency spectrum in a balanced way so that it can be safely turned up without having certain frequencies dominate the output or to turn it down without losing the details.

    Using an EQ post production is somewhat like salting a gourmet meal. Chances are that it’s making it worse unless you know why you’re doing it.

    Obviously you can listen to music however you want, but please pay attention to what happens when you turn up the volume. It’s likely that you’ll want to use less EQ as the volume goes up.

  • bstix@feddit.dktoScience Memes@mander.xyzmantra
    1 month ago

    Why then are all living things trying to work against entropy?

    I am not just talking about human intelligence or behaviour, but every single living thing is trying to organise chaos into a habitable frame for themselves to survive and expand. Survival of the most symmetrical or whatever.

    The point is… Why did every atom in the universe arrange to make cells to make organisms to make life to make intelligent life to counter entropy, if it was just entropy happening? Some say that life is just a temporary disease, but then why do these functions even exist, if they’re not “supposed” to be used?

    I don’t think “the universe” has a say. Shit just happens, and it doesn’t have an explicit reason to be chaos nor structured. Both are extreme cases of idealistic outcomes. If we assume that either will succeed, we have to ask what happens “after” and also “before” the universe.

    I used too many double quotation marks. That’s because quite frankly, I think it’s a contemporary lullaby storyline. We won’t ever know.

  • It’s difficult to find any reliable overview of how much has totally been spent on either side, but as far as I can gather from searching, it appears that even including all the donations for Ukraine, Russia has put about double the amount of money into the war than Ukraine.

    Russia recently mentioned options for a ceasefire and basically claiming victory of the “special military operation” with current frontline borders. This is likely just an attempt to win time to restock, meaning that they’re running low.

    So while the donations are quite large amounts, it has actually been surprisingly cheap for western countries to let Russia deplete it’s war materials this way.

  • People get tattoos for lots of reasons. Most don’t do it to be “unique” or trendy, but for a variety of personal reasons.

    It’s perfectly fine for you not to like the appearance. They don’t get them to look appealing to you in the first place.

    I agree that it does look messy when people are covered in them. Even if they are individually well done pieces of art, it’s like taking all the paintings in an art museum and placing them next to each other, or a wall of graffiti that’s been painted over without much regard to the existing and total appearance. However I get how some people might like that even if it’s not my preference.

  • bstix@feddit.dktoScience Memes@mander.xyzFresh air
    2 months ago

    I was chilling in a sauna in a holiday resort, when some guy opened the door poking his head in “Phew, it’s warm in here. Hey kids come over, they’ve got a sauna!”. He stood in the door waiting for the kids to come around. “Oh my good it’s unbearably hot, let’s let some of that heat out, so we can breathe.” "But dad, we don’t want to go to the sauna ". Leaves without closing the door.

  • Looks fine. You have better screen estate, 7.5 posts while I only have 6 posts on a screen.

    I think the reason why I changed from Jerboa was the data usage at the time (July last year). It’d download the entire picture instead of thumbnails. Sometimes it lagged.

    The reason why I liked RiF was basically only that I had used it so much that I knew where everything was. I’ve been using Connect long enough that I’m not eager to switch at the moment.