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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Counter point: I just got a new MacBook at work. It’s an all windows enterprise. There are like 10 of us that got macs. The setup for them is kludgy because all of the tooling is for windows.

    That said, Microsoft office and one drive is so much better to use because the “integration” isn’t there…and it works like I want it to work.

    It’s hilarious to me that they’ve made their offering worse with all of their efforts to integrate 365 and onedrive into everything.

    I think if apple just did a little towards the enterprise they’d take chunks of market share. Like having a macpro with a pic/cac card reader would be a good start.

  • Apex started acting up on pop a year and half ago which drove me back to my windows partition (that I hadn’t seen in almost 18 months).

    I don’t know if my issue is: pop, proton, steam, apex, my hardware(bad ram?), flatpaks, the deb, or something else. In my opinion it’s one of the toughest part about Linux gaming–when something goes wrong you arent going to find a ton of help since there is so much fragmentation.

    But anyway, I echo your sentiment. Windows is still a necessary evil for a lot of us if you are big into PC gaming.

  • Google need to separate YouTube and Music.

    I actually think they need to go the other way with it. Increase the value proposition by adding more features to it. Include more drive space, Google one, etc.

    A lot of people are upset because they haven’t added any additional value to YouTube and are now just hiking the rents. If they threw in, more products and services to the bundle it’s a more compelling offering. I’d pay if it got me unlimited data on Google Fi, Google one with 200GB of storage, yt premium, I guess yt music? (I pay for prime music RN), and maybe some collab space/compute.