Simon Müller

Cat and Tech enthusiast from Germany. Account by

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2024


  • Maybe you’re interested in the latest testing versions of Lawnchair?

    They’re completely rebased it on modern versions of the Stock Android launcher, and they do support the Google feed on the left, the searchbar, things like PixelSearch and more, as well as customizing the experience to your liking

    it is not on-par in features with old versions of Lawnchair 2 yet, but for being a complete remake from scratch I find it quite remarkable

  • Specifically the annoyingly loud, self-righteous, insists-everyone-must-join-them vegans. Unfortunately, most people only really see this sort of vegan

    On this note, I’d like to point to the Loud Minority problem; You have XYZ group, and within XYZ group there exists a minority that comes across as very “loud”. You can barely miss them, and because they state they’re a part of XYZ group, you start associating that group with the loud minority.

    Happens with Vegans a lot, and usually people which have already associated a group with a minority within said group which annoys them do not want to learn that they are wrong, or will just refuse to accept they are wrong.