Not something Daniel Suelo buys
And Jesus flips tables that have too much revenue on them
Yes if they tempt you to be imperfect
Hat only breeds hat
More precisely, you end up feeling more like a victim of the negative emotions that tempt you
What advice do you have for me?
Just request a copy of the source code! Oh wait
Real life is hilarious if you pay attention
I only read the rule that implies that. I did not pee my pants
“Balance” is a bad oversimplification of comparative advantage
I mostly believe that
Did you think that word limits or finite space in assignments existed to help you not reach your life word limit?
Dopamine receptors that aren’t severely down-regulated.
After I quit porn, I became more sensitive to the minds and souls of women, and now my sexual attraction can flow to a desire for the women being happy.
This may seem counterintuitive if you have an addiction involving lust, but I am now more completely reveling in my sexuality.
At my Catholic high school, one of the teachers who was a Dominican sister told us that animals can’t go to heaven but it’s possible for them to be recreated in heaven.
I feel fine as long as my rabbit didn’t go to purgatory or hell, but non-eternal souls are hard to relate to
The closest thing we have to democracy is our ability to begin democracy by fighting against first-past-the-post voting systems