It’s so frustrating that if you buy a modern car you have to give up any semblance of privacy
It’s so frustrating that if you buy a modern car you have to give up any semblance of privacy
Can’t speak to the whole routine but for pullups I’d suggest negatives first and then banded pullups. Some gyms even have weight assisted pull up machines
Good call, looks interesting. I’ll take a look
Not a bad option but still below 300 miles with the AWD.
Yeah I’m coming to terms with that now lol. Debating between leasing with the hopes to get a full EV after another 3 years, or just buying a PHEV.
As someone in a rural state, cold weather range is one of my chief concerns. I work from home but on the weekends travel to far away backcountry areas to ski.
I’d like to get a full EV when my current lease expires(2.5 years) but the pool of cars that are affordable, have AWD, and 300 miles of range(aka 180-225 in winter) is quite limited.
Chromecast is the only reason I keep chrome installed on my laptop. Would love a better alternative
My 2009 Outback Wagon died on me this past summer 😭😭😭