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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I agree that this is a bad idea. Bus travel sucks. It has basically all of the downsides of air travel with basically none of the upsides, minus cost obviously. Without knowing what countries you’re going to be going through it’s harder to say. Bus stations in my experience can be difficult to navigate in my language, in a language I don’t know I’d be even more concerned. Usually you can eat food, but like airplanes try to be considerate about what you have. Avoid fish, common allergens, smelly food, etc.

    Finally consider that over those 36 hours you’re going to have to either bring food, or buy it, you’re losing time wherever you’re transit, and are at the mercy of the bus time tables instead of waiting on a single flight

  • Yeah, have you ever had an annoying roommate? Isn’t it so much more frustrating and isolating than living alone? You don’t even have your own space to get away so you just become more irritable all the time. Now imagine if you wanted to not live with that person that you need to get lawyers, your family, another family and the government involved

    A lot of people get married because “they’re supposed to”, “they’ve been dating for a while”, or because it’s arranged. Is it shocking that those people don’t have the foundation for a good long term relationship? Is it shocking that every day is a little bit worse for them?

  • Something I’d suggest looking into is gentle redirection for dementia patients. Dementia patients respond very poorly to “no”, “you’re wrong”, “that doesn’t exist anymore” type statements. Instead there are techniques where you agree with them, make positive suggestions, and agree with their nonsense to get them to do what you want

    For example: when a dementia patient starts trying to walk to the grocery store instead of saying “you can’t walk to the grocery store, it’s 15 miles away and you shamble like a zombie” you’d say “Oh you know what, I need something from the grocery store too! How about I go with you?” Then after they likely agree you say “Oh shoot, I forgot I’m in the middle of cooking something. Can you go back inside and I’ll come back in an hour to go with you?” They forget you said that, rinse and repeat

    So for this guy as he’s shouting his nonsense, don’t necessarily agree, but say things like “wow, I didn’t know about that”, “I heard that’s a serious problem.” Then say “I actually heard something crazier than what he said, why don’t you go look into that and tell me what you think later” or if you want to turn it around on his wife you can say that she told you things and that he should go ask her for more information

  • That’s my point about civility. I think you can have the conversations, but almost every parent I know says that their children are their greatest achievement and that they are the best part of their life. You’re inviting people in who fundamentally disagree with that and a lot of people take it pretty personally when you call the most important thing in their life a moral failure. I just don’t imagine /c/parenting users come here to be lambasted and I doubt it’s good for growing the community as well

  • As a child free person myself I don’t think you want to invite that here. Not to say it’d be uncivil but some of our reasons for not having children will be inherently offensive to people here and I don’t think it’d be good for the general vibe. Just an example, I’m not certain I’m going to live the rest of my life free of major strife (the global rise of fascism, climate change disasters, globe trotting plagues, etc) and I think it’s morally irresponsible to bring a child into the world. Are those conversations that you want to have here or do you want to talk about the difficulties of raising kids, the surprising joys, and the unexpected milestones?

  • If you’re an adult who doesn’t have or don’t work around children it’s hard to overstate how irritating they are. The noise, lack of self-awareness, the energy, the stickiness, and you have to censor yourself around them. Additionally, they’re way harder to reason with (if they even can communicate) and parents are notoriously shitty and self-righteous. Finally adults have consequences. If an adult screams their head off, runs up and down the aisles, or hit people around them then flight attendants can do something

    You also act like that child HAS to be on that plane. You can drive, you could leave the kid with someone else, you could take a train, a bus, or you could just not go. We know planes specifically are really uncomfortable for babies because of the pressure. You chose to have a kid presumably knowing that you’d be making sacrifices for them. Maybe one of those sacrifices should be flying until they’re old enough to behave