• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • It wasn’t my intention to come across as aggressive. Not trying to pick a fight here.

    I’m honestly just curious about how some gen AI features are showing for you. If you are able to access them, I would love to reproduce what you did so that I could fiddle with the AI as well. I’m seeing the same bedtime stories on my iOS 17 / 18 devices and my Ventura Mac.

    When ask iOS 18 Siri to tell me a story, I get the same handful of stories over and over. Mouse college friends, a spider with the spindly legs, ground squirrels, etc. 🤷‍♂️

  • These are volunteers, that have day jobs, that have to spend their own time and money to deal with the legal ramifications of that. These aren’t people with legal teams and millions to blow on risk mitigation. These are hobbyists doing this after work, after helping the kids with homework, after cooking dinner for the family, etc.

    Good news is that other instances exist. This is just what one group of volunteers is offering to the world.

  • I want to run unsigned apps on iPadOS, just like MacOS.

    That said, regarding support for “slightly older” hardware. For all that Apple sucks at, they have usually been good about supporting older hardware. iPads have historically received 5 years of major releases, and then a couple years of security updates after that 5 years. The big exception being that very first iPad which was cut off after 3 years.

    Moreover, software support for an old OS tends to become an issue after 2 or 3 years. Those of use who are developing iPad apps look at the traffic and start to deprecate support legacy OS versions that are in the low single digits.

    Realistically, it’s about 7 to 8 years before I start to think about new hardware. That said, I still have an old ass 2013 iPad Air that I use for web browsing and messaging. Thing still works fine for that, but the third party apps are kind of stuck in 2020 / 2021 land.

  • We take on risk every time we decide to wake up and start the day.

    I live in a place where I’m considerably more likely to get hit by a car while walking than thrown in jail as a political prisoner. That doesn’t mean I’m never going to go for a walk. I’m going to live life.

    Leaving my phone at home seems pretty silly when the risk is very low in my nation and I do riskier things while cooking dinner.

  • IMHO, as someone that works in security / privacy, I tend not to view it as a binary thing. It depends on where you live, what you’re protesting, what you look like, who you are, etc.

    Are you in Russia or China and are protesting the government? Yeah, I might leave that thing at home. Are you a white lady in San Francisco marching with a pink knit cat hat during brunch hours, then you’re probably well on the other side of the risk spectrum. You might actually be introducing more risk by having less immediate access to communication or a camera.

    IMHO, it’s nuanced.