stinerman [Ohio]

I am Stine. Comfort the afflicted. Afflict the comfortable. High School Wrestler™. Can usually correctly use the past tense in French. Suffers from clinical depression. on Mastodon.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 17th, 2023


  • IANAL. However I know a bit.

    which is basically how copyright is handled on corporate social media (Meta/X/Reddit owns license rights to whatever you post on their platform when you click “Agree”).

    Yes, this is how it works. You give them a license to your posts.

    I’ve noticed some people including Copyright notices in posts (mostly to prevent AI use). Is this necessary, or is the creator the automatic copyright owner?

    The creator automatically owns the copyright. People can put in license terms, but they’re effectively useless in this context. Let’s say OpenAI violates the copyright on your post (it’s still an open question whether or not training AI on copyrighted data constitutes copyright infringement, but we’ll assume it does). Your only recourse is to sue them if they do this. Because you never registered the copyright, you’re limited to recovering actual damages – if you do register the copyright you can get statutory damages, which are up to $150k per violation. So how much money did you lose on the ability to commercially exploit this post that OpenAI took away from you by copying your posts? Less than the cost to bring the suit, I’m sure.

    So the TL;DR here is that the anti-AI licensing thing is only effective if you’re registering the copyright on your posts/comments. And even then, that’s only true if AI training is considered to be copyright infringement.

  • If you want to be hyper-technical about it, he could order a hit on Trump, but if Trump was already on the ballot and received 270+ EVs, he would be ineligible to be President. His Vice President would take over as President.

    If both were assassinated, the Speaker of the House of the newly-seated Congress would become President.

    I don’t think you meant that specifically, but yes if ordering a hit is an “official act”, he could conceivably order the murder of anyone who cares to stand against him, including those in Congress who might wish to impeach him or remove him from office.

  • Look, your posting history says you’re a reasonable person, and I respect that about you.

    We’re not talking people next door protesting some government action. We’re not event talking about people doing something unpopular. We’re talking about people who don’t have the common courtesy to be a good neighbor. It’s “I will do whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want and if I’m bothering other people in my neighborhood then fuck them because no one tells me what to do.” I live in an area where I regularly have to deal with people rolling coal and revving their engines because they want people to know the rules don’t apply to them and no one is going to tell them what to do.

    The old rule was “you right to swing your fist ends at my nose.” After COVID it seems like the rule is “I’ll swing my fist wherever the hell I want, and you had better get out of my way.” The local PD has been quiet quitting ever since then unless they can harass some minorities.

  • Technically violations of noise ordinances are criminal, although they’re usually minor misdemeanors. That would cover the bikes revving at 3am. The foul smells of plastic burning is probably also illegal.

    Really this most of the rest of it covered under “don’t be a dick.” If someone’s life’s work is to be a dick, we should determine which people want to be dicks and put them in the dick section of town where they can all be dicks without anyone else complaining. It’s just crazy to hear people sticking up for obvious assholes and being “MAH RIGHTS” about it.