• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You get what you pay for

    This hasn’t been true since the 70s. Back when the price of an item was dictated by things like material cost and labor.

    My wife followed this influencer who was selling an $80 necklace. This influencer had sold hundreds of them. It was from her “personal” style collection. My wife was hoping to find something similar for cheaper so she reverse searched the necklace. She found the exact pendants and chain for sale for pennies. The $80 necklace cost my wife $5 to make, with shipping.

    Cost is not an indicator of quality anymore. Things cost whatever the company thinks you’ll pay for them, and not a penny less.

  • I don’t know your experience, but parents have the moral obligation to keep their kids safe and healthy. That sometimes requires that you get your kids to do things they don’t want to do. You can either do this with manipulation or with force. There’s no third option because kids don’t have the proper coping mechanisms to suppress their emotions and do what they’re required to do, even when they don’t want to.

    That isn’t to say your parents did the right thing or that they were trying to keep you safe. I don’t know you. Maybe they were abusive. My point is only that manipulation is often the better of two bad options.