• Experience: I have 5 decks of cards.
  • Accuracy: your guess same as mine ( after you pay)
  • Price: very expensive

So, I told my pal that I would need colorful cards for something, because I want to do for a change some fun stuff around here. We have to cover all ends. Even one with voices, ghosts and tentacles.

Naturally my pal brought NinjaGo, Gormiti, Chima and Yu-Gi-Oh!, and he told me YuGi stays in a book. So that’s one deck I have.

Another deck I found in a trash when our residential witch died. Cards are greasy and disgusting because she obviously scratch her crotch with them. No worries I disinfected it with holy water ( whiskey of course). Cards work fine, but they don’t move or dance, and there was no spirits in a box. It was empty. My luck. I expected at least a small bottle of rum.

So that’s two decks.

How did I come to this idea? Well, some time ago my friends bought me this giant crystal ball joking how we are all wizards, and they also bought me these wonderful cards which I though to be collectibles. A crystal ball rolled off a table and shattered, because I removed it from a stand which was great for my other prized possessions. And it was filled with glitter. But cards are so beautiful I could framed them and I have three decks - Spirits, Enchanted and Wisdom.

Anyways here is my price for an each reading. You pay upfront when you ask a question.

  • Lego cards - 3 emoji hearts, one has to be cracked or flying.
  • Tarot cards - pumpkin, zebra or a bat
  • Spirits - checkmark and a devil
  • Enchanted - cats, hands or a skull
  • Wisdom - any sort of a bird

Create new topic in this community or ask under this post. Private reading when Alice or Splinter invent Messages, or you can pay them to bribe me.

  • splinterA
    10 months ago

    This is cool, just a note that you can also private message people. Click on their name and you get the option:

    • KeskOPMB
      10 months ago

      You are killing my lazy vibe. Anyways, order something when you are already here.

    • KeskOPMB
      10 months ago

      No question mentioned, so I will just show cards. You chose Wisdom deck, here is a picture.

      Very beautiful cards, and yours are all positive.

      Numerological value of cards is total 2, so I guess this is a reading either:

      • for two people
      • or it is about a decision you have to make, or you are planning to make.

      First card

      • suggests that you found a really good friend or you are asking about your soulmate,
      • or in case this is about a decision this signifies a card of a positive personal growth. So it’s good.

      Second card is called Happy, Happy, so you have nothing to worry about. Everything is well balanced.

      Third card is To the Sea, which says that

      • action will take a natural pattern of events,
      • or in case this is a decision making question you should go back to the source or an origin of an issue to get the best clues how to deal with it.

      Cards said that for whatever you asked there, none of it is my business, do whatever you wish with it.

      Next request please, don’t forgot emojis. Price list is on a top of this post and in the sidebar.

      • AliceA
        10 months ago

        This was fucking fantastic! Thank you !

        • KeskOPMB
          10 months ago

          Cool. Cards are visually very beautiful, besides tarot deck, that one is plain ugly. I first wanted to make a photo but it turned looking bad so I made a poster. And, reading without knowing what’s a question is the best. Basically I just read what’s on cards.

          • AliceA
            10 months ago

            I Love it thank you. It’s really fun

    • KeskOPMB
      10 months ago

      Aw great, a pumpkin, I had to stop time and read a few thousand books about tarot cards in order to understand what they even mean. So here goes nothing.

      These are your cards:

      • Topic of the reading - Temperance - adjusting to new circumstances. Aka angel getting drunk alone
      • Personal cards:
        • 2 of swords - decisions to be made aka a blind lady swaying kitchen knives
        • 10 of pentacles - accumulated funds, or savings aka young man charming a woman while visiting his ailing father in a nursery home
        • Knight of Wands - challenge aka a guy with a huge bat looking for employment

      🎃 Cards suggest that you are ready to invest into something because you want to adjust your actions to new circumstances. You also believe that your investment can be somewhat big but it will result ultimately with a better prospers for future.

      Situation cards: all positive, and major arcana

      • The Emperor - full control, power, knowledge, law Aka Gandalf cosplaying King Arthur
      • The Star - talents, desires, confidence aka Schizoid bathing in frog pond

      🎃 These cards support main topic of a reading, being Temperance or adjustment to new circumstances. You will surely have more control over your business and it will fulfil your hopes.

      Environment cards:

      • 7 of wands - defensiveness - a guy selling sticks
      • 5 of pentacles - loss of profit, unemployment, poverty - drunk husband, wifey angry
      • 9 of swards - failure, sorrow, loses - a guy going to work

      🎃 Your environment, so other people, are not in favor of your plan, but all major arcana cards that supports your idea state that whatever this is, you should proceed.

      Additional advice card:

      • 3 of pentacles - skilled labor, prizes, experience - aka two cult members commissioning a mural for their satanic temple

      🎃 Self-explanatory. Rely on your already acquired knowledge and craft.

      Possible future cards:

      • 10 pentacles
      • Temperance
      • 5 of pentacles

      🎃You are preparing for a situation in which that investment maybe can be big, but I there are no financial loses, giving money, huge hassles or disasters anywhere in cards. So, with some planning and moderation, you should overcome possible financial difficulties.
      You can definitely rely on your family and closest friends, pay attention to opportunities that may come and go fast.

      Conclusion - Designer of these cards had no idea what they were doing.

      Disclaimer - Whatever I wrote here is a result of a total confusion and misunderstanding, because I read too many tarot books.

      If you wish to ask, create new topic in this community or ask under any post in this community, so you can spam everybody else. Price for an each deck is listed in the sidebar. You pay upfront when you ask a question. Question doesn’t need to be posted, just an emoji.

      • Lego cards - 3 emoji hearts, one has to be cracked or flying.
      • Tarot cards - pumpkin, zebra or a bat
      • Spirits - checkmark and a devil
      • Enchanted - cats, hands or a skull
      • Wisdom - any sort of a bird
        • KeskOPMB
          10 months ago

          Yeah, it is longer and I hope humorous, these cards are hilarious but very ugly. So far the most beautiful deck is Spirits, because it has these incredible images of various crystals and they are all painted in vibrant colors. Designer put a great effort into them, it’s visible.

          • splinterA
            10 months ago

            Well it’s definitely humorous, I love reading these

            • KeskOPMB
              10 months ago

              Cool. I am glad you enjoy them. I will do more when asked.