You are granted your wish with the only condition that 3 people you hate the most will get double of what you get.
What are they getting?
beat me half to death
What!? Why ? Lol
Then my enemies get beat to death
Omg lol
The peace and wisdom to be able to always help others, spread joy, and make the world a better place.
Bro just made his enemies his friends.
Well, hopefully they hate doing that so they’ll be fucking miserable the rest of their lives LOL I mean unless you want them to be a better person I guess that would be cool too
What better way to eliminate your enemies than to turn then into people you would enjoy being friends with?
I wish my enemies were half dead.
But then you would be too lol
No, because they’d get double my wish, which is that my enemies were half dead.
I’d like to donate a lung.
Ahhhhh! 🤣
I would wish for 9999€. That’s below the amount the Finance Department would audit. All the people I dislike would get audited and be in trouble for unaccounted income
And they def. couldn’t explain that income, lol.
“So hwo did you acquire nearly twenty grand?” “It just appeared one day.”
Fucking brilliant
Take one of the testicles.
For long tits that almost drag the ground.