What are they doing…? I am not talking about the women who had raucous wildlives and end up not married - they were doing something. What they were doing wasn’t good, but it was understandable. Like, I don’t think it’s good to be a pot dealer who hangs out on the block listening to his favorite tunes, getting high, hanging out, all day long, every day… But I know exactly why doing such a thing is desirable. I can at least understand it.

But decent looking spinster women… without social lives…

They’re gatekeepers to a much sought after product. They don’t run away to join a convent and dedicate themselves to God, they don’t even have a series of boyfriends they never marry and live some wild party life…

They just go to work, go home, meet a few female friends quietly a few times a month, consume 20 hours of TV a week… and maintain a small single bedroom apartment and die.

It’s offensive in an era of plummeting birth rates.

This isn’t even about “wamen shouldn’t have career; make baby!”

It’s about being a self-isolating shut-in who lets the world pass you by…

I am sure there are guys doing this, and it also irks me, but that’s another topic.