• j4k3@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    What is truth.

    Intentionally lie? - never.

    I wouldn’t call anyone in an anonymous place a valid primary source. So maybe I view all of this as a lie?

    I think the very concept of truth should be questioned. Human memory is not truthful or accurate in nature. The very act of remembering has been shown to alter one’s recollection.

    Science is about consensus, collaboration, and time. There are few binary truths and everything is subject to new evidence and revision based on observation.

    I view truth like all oversimplifications. It is useful in a fake idealized world, within a lie - if you will, but absolutes are a fallacy in the real world.

      • j4k3@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        If a truth is given as an answer such as a favorite color or song, while lying to one’s true self about one’s underlying complexity, is the answer a truth or a lie?

        Green. Why? Because when I asked someone special why she said green, she had the prettiest smile when she said, “It’s the color of life.”

        “Green” is truthful to who I am by a concept with deep meaning; a truth to your intentions and expectations in asking the question; but a lie in saying I have any color preferences for some narrow frequency band in a spectrum.

        Did I tell the truth?