I personally had to experience, through the example of our family, what it means to pray together for the deceased. After my grandmother passed away, she began to appear in the dreams of relatives in a very distressed state, asking for help and support. We organised ourselves and began to pray simultaneously for her repose every day for forty days, each in our own home.
Time passed, and she appeared in a dream to her daughter. When asked how things were, my grandmother replied, “At first, it was very bad, dark, cold, scary, and drowsily, but now it is very good.”
We are not ascetics, saints, or great men of prayer. We are ordibnary, sinful people, without any hint of anything special. And we prayed most simply, reading prayers from the prayer book, and I served the Litia – just as usual. But, as some would say today, “it works”. And all of us need to know this! God hears even us – common, sinful, imperfect people, very far from true holiness. And not only does He hear, but He also accepts our prayers, shows mercy and forgiveness. Of course, hundreds of such stories can be read today, but there is a difference between reading them and having one’s own experience.
I didn’t see one Bible verse to support this belief. Where does this idea come from?
Right, this is a controversial piece, and I never actually heard anyone in Orthodox Christianity outright say it. I actually heard the opposite, once, that people in hell could be prayed for and granted some relief through prayer but they remain in the torments of hell since this was how they had lived…
But consider that there was this split between Hades and Hell in some systems (though the language is not always the same), and Christ went down to preach to those in hell (1 Peter 3:19 - this is not the only interpretation, but a common one).
It may be the case that they are referring to someone who is not outright in hell, but someone who is in a state of limbo or who has not been resolved to heaven yet… At which point the author would still be mistaken in what they have put forward here, yes, I get that.
I am open to hearing any of your opinions on this as I am not fully committed to any position, and I am more curious about everyone’s feedback than asserting anything. But I do like to counter-argue if only to try to help crystalize some new position or at least be charitable to the initial proposition.
It’s a very touchy thing and I can understand the reason why people want to feel this way. But we just don’t have enough to go on from the Bible on the topic to make a conclusion one way or the other.
Though, I should say that I’m not Orthodox or Catholic, but Protestant, so the idea of purgatory doesn’t exist in my belief either, in that there’s nothing in scripture that indicates it exists, and that also comes from me being sola scriptura which is another Protestant position. Though I’m open to being wrong about that. I have heard about Abraham’s Bosom, but haven’t heard any reasons why it still exists after Jesus’ resurrection. And with verses like Luke 23:43, it makes me feel like the limbo state doesn’t exist in death.
Sorry if I came off confrontational in my first reply.
There is an interesting passage in Maccabees that implies that Jews previously believed that there could be a process for atoning for the sins of the dead:
There is also this passage in Matthew 5:24-25:
I think these hint at a period before heaven in which some form of atonement is possible, though I am not sure to what extent it fits the Catholic concept of purgatory as such.