I’ve never been matched by a woman on bumble or been on a date or so much as held hands before but it might be a good idea to start thinking about it just in case.

Here’s what I’ve come up with so far:

  • Are boobs magnetic?
  • How do you fix the Void Linux dual monitor screen flicker bug on mesa without installing Wayland?
  • Cum will win
  • What is the length and girth of your penis and are you cut or uncut and what does your ballsack look like?
  • Does having boobs create a time dilation effect like what happens in wormholes?
  • Are female buttholes round or square?
  • Would you rather fight 100 poop sized cums or 100 cum sized poops?

Hopefully these thoughtful and respectful questions will prompt several deep and meaningful discussions. If anyone has any better ideas let me know.

  • jrwperformance @lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    Boobs are actually paramagnetic…not Ferromagnetic. But yes.

    Just simply update the drivers. Then find the degaussing feature in your monitor.

    Whoever cums first, wins.

    I haven’t seen my penis in a few years. I don’t know much about it.

    No, unfortunately. All the wormhole stuff follows DS9 rules.

    They are perfectly cylindrical.

    100 poop sized cums. I’ll just wear extra pairs of socks…

    Those will likely be the answers you’ll hear.

    Ask her about the female webbed toe thing…my friend told me about girl-feet in middle school. I want to know if it’s true.