We all know what this is really about: who is your celebrity crush or who among your celebrity crushes do you think is the best conversationalist.
But bros are in the comments saying they’d cannibalize Dwayne Johnson. Smdh.
I have priorities
lol my man I think the safe assumption in every desert island scenario is that the food supply is adequate - at least for the two people there.
But I understand.
Some men really value their guts and it is totally based to eat a bodybuilding celebrity, not gonna lie.
who is your celebrity crush
“no u” lol
lol you know I do not pay attention to celebrities enough to be able to give some answer that is good.
I am also very happily married, but it’s no fun to say “This wamen I do not know that I have perfect bedroom chemistry with & have a WONDERFUL time with” and instead you SHOULD say a celebrity you think is HOT and INTERESTING.
And, if yuo are a TRUE conversationalist and a TRUE winner, it will also be criticizable. Like, you can’t just say who you think is the general consensus of a super hot woman that would be fun to be with or one that you know is a truly safe choice.
So, in the spirit of that…
I pick Megan thee Stallion.
(This is where you all SHOUT and slap your knees and cover your faces looking away and laughing)
(And you guys backing me do this)
paris hilton… idk sounded like a random chill choice
She can probably still muster a fun party, not sure where the alcohol is coming from though
The Rock, probably could sustain for a good month or two if I had to eat him
Lol wouldn’t he spoil pretty quickly though? The seagulls will enjoy him
Not if I jerkify him
He’s going to be a bit stringy
Heaven mode: Taylor Swift
Hell mode: David Goggins
David Goggins
I had to google David Goggins lol