The press conference is currently still live so this was the best short video I could find on the topic.

To begin, I’m absolutely against this proposal, but I want to see a discussion - hopefully a constructive one - between Aussies (comments are always turned off for Australian news on YT) to gauge some idea of how people generally feel about the idea.

Fire off.

      3 months ago

      fwiw Sabine has a history of commenting outside of her area of expertise and having some very bad takes.

      She’s an astrophysicist. Listen to her closely when she’s talking about what’s going on in space. But her comments on other subjects such as climate, trans rights, and, yes, nuclear energy, should be taken as those of a random interested layperson. Maybe they’re right from time to time, but they don’t deserve any special consideration.

      In that video, for example, she herself admits to ignoring the planning stage, and she’s only talking about countries that already have large nuclear industries. Australia has no nuclear expertise to begin with, so it’s guaranteed to take a lot longer for us than it does in places like Germany and America. And even then she ends up admitting it’s at least twice as expensive as alternative options. She tries to downplay this by making a joke about astrophysics and orders of magnitude, but here on Earth that’s a big difference, and that’s in the best case.

        3 months ago

        I think it’s a well balanced and well researched video. I don’t think she concludes that nuclear is a clear winner. And in our case it may not make sense. But both sides are guilty of cherry picking facts to fit their narrative.

        The only reason I can think of to go nuclear is if renewables can’t meet our power needs. I think it’s a hard problem for the grid to manage distributed power generation in such varying amounts. Sometimes the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow enough. Can batteries fill the gaps? I hope so. But I wouldn’t be opposed to a small bet on nuclear at the same time.