they forgot to model the
aeromethane-spike from the cow fart.I mean it definitely reduces over all drag.
Calculations are simpler if ……… you assume a spherical cow!
That is an assumption that a physicist would do.
Reminds me of this gem
This is fantastic, lol
As they say, knowledge is power, France is bacon.
This is udderly ridiculous
Is its drag coefficient better than a modern day SUV’s?
Everything is better than modern day SUVs
It’s fuel efficiency sure is.
Definitely better than a Jeep Wrangler.
Makes it look like this cow is speedy as fuck
France is Bacon
Fetchez la vache!
“Against the twister, Betsy stands alone.”
Mmmm, yes; science is most excellent: Ballistic Beef™
Only available for a limited time.
Will this increase the quality of our weather and climate models?