Left/liberals/democrats are such disgustingly evil and vile people. Only they’d actively try and kill some one because of their deep seeded hatred. Fucking mentally deranged lunatics. I swear.
Left/liberals/democrats are such disgustingly evil and vile people. Only they’d actively try and kill some one because of their deep seeded hatred. Fucking mentally deranged lunatics. I swear.
I appreciate the post and the clarification, I devote very little long term memory to details of these events as it’s just not relevant to my life and records are available if needed.
I see now I was confusing Uvalde with the San Antonio shooting, the one that propelled Beto to run against Abbott. I’m not a Texan, I just follow politics religiously.
And taken by percentages BLM was primarily peaceful. There was violence, obviously. Like in Kenosha. Like with the police responding to criticism of being too violent by being too violent. In Seattle they tear gassed square miles of capitol hill nightly, all while gaslighting everyone every morning on trumped up accusations that medics couldn’t get thru (they could, no one has beef with the FD), and they wouldn’t do it again. You couldn’t hide in your apartment to escape it, thus making sure all babies and grandmother’s were punished for their crimes of existing. Collateral damage like that, callously and repeatedly, is terrorism.
They played every tactic right outta the domestic violence handbook, and to put it simply, that disqualifies any legitimacy they have. Authority has to hold itself to a higher moral standard or else dystopia, which is evidence by our shared reality.
If our power structures can’t hold themselves up to our virtues, then expecting anyone to foster virtue is a fools errand. In any system other than authoritan you can’t ask of others what you yourself won’t do. That’s the natural order, that’s what rings true with our internal sense of justice. I’m aware theres a wide chasm between justice and our jurisprudence, but again, higher standards.
Ultimately, I see any and every action that disperses power out to the many, and out of the hands of a few as a net gain for society. We can’t wait 2000 years for another Cinnicinatus or Washington. There’s a reason they are venerated, and the current global right wing wave is polar opposite their example. Fascism rises because of income inequality, not multi-culturalism or cosmopolitanism. The youth of the old “in group” gets priced out and they say fuck that. I get it, it’s just the wrong answer. Hitler scapegoated the Jews bc the Catholic Church, when they respected the no usury rule, essentially railroaded the Jews into money lending cuz they had a need for services they couldn’t commit. But Jews had no law against usury. Usury is still illegal in Islam to this day.
The problem is with the bankers, as it always fucking has been. Not just bankers, today it’s more broad but essentially those who move paper to make paper. Insurance, etc etc. obfuscation leads to greed, neoliberalism fetishized greed and now if your born after 1980 you’ll never own a house. I get it. The proper reaction, y’know, justice, isn’t to conserve the financial system and attack minorities. It’s to flip those two around.