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I think it’s pretty cool from a historic stand point.
Back in the early 70s a guy named Jon Draper figured out that a toy whistle that came in a box of Captain Crunch cereal was the perfect frequency to initiate free long distance phone calls when blown into a phone.
Sometime after that people realized they could build an electronic device that could produce that frequency and two guys started building them and made a decent amount of money off it: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak before they started Apple Computers. So Apple Computers’ startup was funded in a large part by Phone Phreaking devices.
wow! That’s crazy I didn’t know that
Hilarious to think that Apple, the company that tries its best to lock you out of being able to use their devices in any other way than how they strictly intended it, started off being funded by devices that “hacked” the telephone system.
What is it? Sounds kinky lol
Phone hacking