Brand new to the platform. Just wondering if I have to use my browser each time. Thanks. Ps. F reddit mods

    2 months ago

    I don’t use apps. I like the web interface (except for the fact that it doesn’t work on my PC…can’t figure out why). So I can’t help you there, BUT, seeing as you’re new this whole thing, and seeing as it can it be overwhelming, might I suggest you take a gander at ! when you get a chance?

    A couple of things you’ll take note of that are a bit different than over at reddit. First off, we don’t masturbate into shoeboxs for years on end, and then allow the semen to accumulate, thus producing disgusting horrific clumps that need radioactive gloves to dispose of.

    We don’t do the whole “What’s in the safe?” posts.

    We’re missing a lot of the niche communities, and we’re missing the audience to house them.

    And finally, everybody has already agree’d, I am the ultimate supreme master, and everybody has to give me all their money at all times. So, be prepared to cough it up, newbie.

    Fun fact, only one of my previous statements is an outright lie! Can you spot the imposter?

    • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
      2 months ago

      First off, we don’t masturbate into shoeboxs for years on end, and then allow the semen to accumulate, thus producing disgusting horrific clumps that need radioactive gloves to dispose of.

      Speak for yourself ☢️☢️📥💦 🍆😂

      We don’t do the whole “What’s in the safe?” posts.

      Because Lemmy is open-source, the contents of the safe are available to the public, so we don’t need such posts

      And finally, everybody has already agree’d, I am the ultimate supreme master, and everybody has to give me all their money at all times. So, be prepared to cough it up, newbie.

      Tap to instantly receive all my money

      A picture of an empty wallet with no money

      Oof, tough break there