• LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I won’t say actively hate cause that implies a call to action, but probably my remaining parent because she allowed a family friend to abuse her children for years and called me a selfish brat when being sexually abused by an ex brought me to make an attempt on my life. She may be my mother but she ain’t my mom.

  • Thorny_Insight@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    I can’t name a single person—neither in my personal life nor any public figure—that I truly hate.

    About five years ago, I started to really get into meditating and observing what my mind is doing. The person who got me into it was Sam Harris, and he’s also the one who planted the ideas of no self and no free will into my mind. Despite all the arguments I’ve heard to the contrary, no one has managed to convince me out of this belief. Because of that, hating a person is now almost entirely incompatible with my worldview, and I’m basically incapable of feeling hate anymore.

    That doesn’t mean I don’t dislike anyone, because I do. But I dislike them in the same way I dislike rainy days or paying bills. I don’t act as if it’s someone’s fault that it’s raining outside. I don’t blame the person for who they are; they couldn’t have been otherwise.

  • Don_Dickle@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I kinda don’t hate. Because I am a lazy person and that takes to much effort. When I was younger my dad had a razor sharp tongue and if we would get into an argument he would call me all things in the world to piss me off. Then like in a couple minutes he was back to normal and I was still pissed off. I was like wtf. Then I learned his trick if you can upset the other person first you win. Then when I got older I knew his strategy and it got to the point where I remained calm as a mother fucker because I did not want him to win. Then when he saw he could no longer piss me off he threatened to fight me. I would laugh and walk away. He never laid a hand on me in my life or his life. Though in hindsight sometimes i probably deserved to get my ass handed to me.