Religious Zionist MK Zvi Sukkot characterized the serious incidents of violence committed by settlers in the West Bank as a “super marginal phenomenon, a drop in the ocean compared to Arab terrorism,” the Religious Zionist MK said on Sunday.

He added, “This is a serious crime; I don’t like to use the word terror. If they had heard me, they would have behaved differently. There is not one person there who does not know my position on the issue; it is not some secret,” he said in an interview with 103FM.

As a reminder, Zvi Sukkot was one of the MKs who broke through the fence of the Sde Teiman detention facility along with rioters after IDF reservists were detained for sexual abuse of a Nukhba terrorist.

Sukkot also commented on the ongoing efforts to secure a hostage deal, which continued at the summit held in Doha. “I don’t think a deal is going to come out of those talks,” he claimed.

“Once again, the families of the hostages are being led to raise their expectations. From what I understand, Hamas will not be flexible in areas where Israel has established clear red lines. We are stuck in the same cycle repeatedly.”