Shmuley Boteach, a popular celebrity rabbi filed a complaint with the FBI against Candace Owens on Monday, a controversial figure in conservative media after she seemingly accused him and his daughter of trying to kill her.

“Please let me immediately advise you of a new threat against me and my family, including my daughter Rochel Leah, also a Jewish public figure,” Boteach wrote.

“Yesterday, before more than one million people in a live X feed,” who he called, “arch antisemites,” Candace Owens, “arguably the foremost female Jew-hater in America, accused me of trying to murder her, in collaboration with the world’s Zionists, thereby putting a national target on my back and naming me specifically from all American Jewish leaders,” Boteach wrote to the FBI.

“I need not impress upon you the serious danger that a Jew-hater with a national following places on a defenseless rabbi when she tells her followers that the rabbi is a murderer and plans to have her killed. This is the ultimate blood libel, that Jews are killers and people must therefore kill the Jews first, before they strike,” he wrote in detail.

According to Boteach, Owens, months ago, “insinuated that I killed Michael Jackson. Two days ago, to her 5.5 million X followers, she said that Michael Jackson put me on a list of Jews who were seeking to destroy his life. She outright said that my daughter and I are ‘lying and smearing and libeling and killing.’”

    28 days ago

    Oh, yeah, Boteach was that guy that Christopher Hitchens positively dismantled in a public debate about god.

    Good times.