First post here that kind of fucked me up for a moment.
Yes, and if we’re playing my connect 4 rules, you can also aim for a Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday diagonal.
You can also go 3D. January 8, February 5, March 4, April 8 would be 4 in a stack.
That’s the third dimension of time. You playing 6D chess over here
If you include multiple years, you can add one more dimension.
That’s only moving in the third dimension without moving in any other.
If you have movement in all 3 dimensions, you get January 1, February 6, March 13, April 25.
Thats diagonally and stacked.
Diagonal for the win!
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this hit me like a mental flashbang. your wisdom is beyond all of us
If you see someone on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, that counts as only three days in a row, since Monday is on another row. If you see somebody on four consecutive Tuesdays, that would be four days in a column.
What if the Mondays span different months?
Like 8/19, 8/26, 9/2, 9/9?
Now the Mondays are on another page or they’re a swipe to the right
You got me there!
This what a calendar does to a mf
I see where this question is leading, and I don’t think I like the implications
… Where is it leading?
Get your ducks in a column.
I’m going to make the executive choice of saying that yes. Yes it does mean that.
No, it’s boating related. Four days in a sail.
I absolutely love this.
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Life is row-order; suck it, FORTRAN
Good bye
So whats first day of the year 4 years in a row?
In a three dimensional calendar that could work, 4 days deep ?
Not necessarily.
It could be five days in a column then there are five Mondays in a month (like this month).