Society will never go fully paperless. If we would have it would have been around 1998. Though I suppose depending on which apocalypse scenario gets us, there will be a time when paper cuts are a rarity only suffered by the few brave souls who scavenge the ruins of the Before Times.
Mobile data connections were dogshit even here in Finland up until late 00’s.
Considering I will probably never get to own a house, cardboard cuts will always be a thing.
Cardboard cuts make papercuts look like… papercuts.
I doubt society will go fully paperless, there are times when you need a thing that can be crushed, folded, whatever and doesn’t run out of battery, so unless e-ink technology develops in a very specific way I don’t think every eventually will be replaced, and even without purely functional applications I think art would never ever go fully paperless for many data security (leaking art before it’s complete), economic (things are more expensive when they’re limited in supply, and making either legal or illegal copies of digital things is so much easier) and sentimental reasons (it’s just nicer to have something physical) reasons
Paper cut is just one of the way the tree ghost exact revenge, there’s plenty of opportunities.
By the way, anyone ever got a bread crust cut? I did. On my own baked bread.
I haven’t, but I’ve baked enough bread to know that sounds awful
Inside my mouth, yeah
Oh there’s plenty of paper and non-paper out there to do the same damage. Ever cut yourself on cardboard? How about those plastic straps they put around heavy boxes and packages? Or my personal favorite, splinters and burrs. Glass, rock, metal, sheets of plastic - anything thin will do if you hit it at just the right angle. It’s a tossup as to which bonus location is worse, under the fingernail or across the finger webbing. Or if you’re REALLY unlucky, the eye. a scratched cornea is no joke. Wear your safety glasses kids.
I’m clumsy enough that I’ve got a “paper cut” from aluminum foil while preparing dinner.
I got a paper cut from grabbing a cornstalk this week.
That’s a cornstalk cut, duh
well what about when society goes fully cornless ?
Imagine the paradise slaves were living under, they could never be the victims of pay cuts.
Aren’t they already?
I got my pet meds handed to me in a paper bag and somehow managed to give myself a paper cut getting the cat into the car while holding this bag. It was the first paper cut I’ve had in years, and my reaction was “I wonder if this is still recyclable.” Still better than plastic bags, I suppose.
This post was inspired by me wondering how I got one. I’m pretty sure it was from opening junk mail, one of the few ways I interact with paper anymore.
Oh, they’ll find a way. Let me tell you mylar papercuts leave nice scars.
Don’t worry. There are still box cutter cuts.