Seriously? You dumb fucks defederate and Ban everyone you don’t agree with. Why the fuck should we (hypothetical speaking) federate with you?

No. You don’t get to have a chance to talk shit and spread a bad name. You either like us and join, don’t like us and don’t join, or it didn’t work out and you delete your fucking account.

Yall only want things your way. We fucking know that so of what benefit is it to us, to federate with your sorry asses?

I’m fucking so happy you don’t get to sample us for free. And try to boss us around so you can feel like somebody because your life sucks dick.

You ain’t cool if you ain’t here. And only cool peeps are invited.

You exe yourself out with your fucking ideology and outrage porn. No thank you, we’re not interested :D

Go circle jerk

  • Lovstuhagen
    1 year ago

    I was actually happy that like… You’d see these 1 in 20 opinions over there of people trying to defend mass federation by default, and they were not always voted into the ground, so I want to give them the benefit of the doubt: there were guys liek Casey Rollins who believe in free speech, and that the answer to bad speech is for it to just be criticized or ignored…

    It’s really a massive failure that they could not see this.

    They did not even make an attempt at a fair negotiation for federation, like, “Just don’t do CRAZY hardcore anti-trans memes and zero racial slurs, OK? Can we try for that?”

    it was always just the mere existence of criticism of their agenda merited full on bans.

    • AliceOPMA
      1 year ago

      Casey Rollins sounds so familiar, who is that?

      "They did not even make an attempt at a fair negotiation for federation, "

      Well, that’s a logical thinking person (you lol) they don’t or are not capable of that.

      Meeting in the middle. Because they don’t want to. This is what gets on my nerves about ppl like this.

      Because I’m open to say fuck it, how can we coexist, and they pretend to want that, and just flat out shut anything down that doesn’t kiss their ass and confirm their ideology.

      I also feel people like that haven’t moved out of where they live or traveled at all not even in the united states. Because when you’re around different cultures and different areas in the US you know and then also let’s mention classism you could be of the same race and experience classism I mean come on that’s the thing.

      I mean there’s all kinds of s*** going on and for people to be that hard pressed to think only one way and it’s group think if you agree you’re you’re with us and if you don’t you’re wrong and you’re racist I mean that just shows you how

      small-minded and ignorant they are people who are well versed and s*** and have been exposed to different things throughout their life don’t think that way they’re more apt to help you and listen and meet you in the middle.

      These are just spoiled brats that want to get their way and they don’t even really know what what the reason is they’re just bitching on the internet

      • Lovstuhagen
        1 year ago

        He posted seldomly on EH, at one point having a news forum of his own. On Wolfballs, he posted more frequently in the very beginning but progressively fell off, I think completely leaving it after the charliebrownau saga.

        • AliceOPMA
          1 year ago

          Crazy! Imma try to find him lol

          • Lovstuhagen
            1 year ago

            Maybe it is - at first I was skeptical because he seemd to blend in so well in general with the leftoids on Lemmy. My guess is that he really changes the way he engages with them in those spaces and only flies his freak flag over on Gab, though it’s certainly the case he supported some libertarian principles before them all over there.

            • AliceOPMA
              1 year ago

              Ah interesting I didn’t know that