Twice in a row now I’ve had to pull my dog in another direction due to people walking their dogs without a leash. Why tf do you feel so confident in your damn dog to not react? In fact I don’t fucking care. It’s a fucking law and it’s inconsiderate of other individuals and their pets. Seriously fuck you. Nobody cares how well trained your dog is or whatever the fuck you’re doing to stroke your damn ego.

        4 months ago

        My dude, you are just doing Main Character Syndrom… 'Yea other people suck, but what if I was doing it but like in a slightly different way?!"

        No. No you’re NOT special. Stop it. You’re merely trying to inject yourself while removing peoples’ specific complaints from the scenario.

        This isn’t about you or your well behaved dog. This is about how it’s irresponsible towards others. You know others? People besides you? They actually exist.