I deny this asshole the status of “space cowboy.”
I also extend that to the status of “gangster of love”
And “Maurice” as well while we’re at it
This is outrageous; it’s unfair
i absolutely adore that i haven’t seen a single meme, post, or comment that isn’t ruthlessly shitting on this fucking guy
The energy has been pretty consistent:
His family should use some of those millions to make his tombstone a working toilet that empties onto his face.
Do you think they will consider?
If they could profit from it they might
I would consider paying for the experience depending on the price.
Never before, in human history, has such ruthlessness been so wholesome.
It’s nice to see more people drop the childish notion that we shouldn’t be happy when evil people die. When a knight kills a dragon, it should be celebrated.
It’s absolutely made my week which was shitty otherwise.
They should keep his body in a building central to the insurance HQs. For every single denied claim going forward, that insurance companies CEOs should have to eat a small piece of his decaying corpse to get the denial approved. Once the body is all gone, they need to replenish the CEO body stock if they want to continue denying claims…
Welp, yours is the most creative take I’ve seen this morning haha, kudos!
I’d like to add that the more I think about it, this is the logical eventual outcome to for-profit healthcare. How long it takes to get to this point seems like it would vary with a few other factors, but I guess we’ve reached it now for this timeline.
Live by the dollar, die by the dollar
About $1.50 actually, assuming 9mm ammo
I bet the hitman was hired by the aggrieved parent of a child that was forced to die for profit. Dolla dolla bill.
Wait, is the consensus now that it was a hitman, and not just someone with some luck, skill, and an axe to grind?
Whichever you prefer. My 2 cents is that it’s probably a hitman. But it doesn’t matter, does it.
Found a video, and yeah, it does really look like it was a pro
And he immediately fled on a hard-to-track vehicle into an area with low surveillance. He might not have been hired, but he almost definitely knew what he was doing
So you’re saying he looked like a guy with a plan.
I would never make any baseless allegations. Though, if I were forced to make a ruling, I’d go with self defense
Let’s call it like it is: When voting, writing letters to senators, campaigning, demonstrating, polling, participating in the machinery of government doesn’t bring about the things We The People need, we might just try other solutions to the problem. Our official last resort written into the constitution itself is “Shoot a tyrant.”
Where in the hell did you find an uncut version?
Every search on public search engines I’ve tried only link to public media - which cut before the shooter starts shooting.
The one uncut and unblurred one was a streamable link in a reddit comment in a smaller subreddit. Forget which though
Most of my knowledge about hitmen comes from watching Bourne movies and playing Hitman Go on the toilet.
I’m going to assume that I probably don’t know what a real professional looks like.
From what we know about real hitmen, they tend to be unsettling, since a willingness to murder people is at minimum a sign of an indifference towards life.
They often buy not always have personality traits in common with serial killers.
I saw that he went through a starbucks. If he had something to drink there and left any traces then he is as good as caught and probably not a hitman. There are almost no US citizens that cant be identified through DNA.
Prior to the shooting, the gunman purchased a water bottle and two protein bars from a nearby Starbucks and discarded the items, according to a senior New York City law enforcement official briefed on the investigation.
Investigators recovered a video showing where the suspect discarded the items, and police collected them as evidence, hoping it could aid in the investigation, the official said.
Sounds like he just bought it for show so maybe he is alright.
If he chucked them into a public garbage can then they won’t be able to get anything useful from the items. They’ll be so contaminated that you can’t get a clean sample.
Depends what you mean by useful. This is NYPD we’re talking about, these will be super useful for arresting and convicting someone that some cop doesn’t like
Tell that to the Grim Sleeper!
An unclean sample won’t be useful in court, but it will be useful to the investigation. When that contaminated sample comes back to 4 people who don’t match the description, and two people who do, the investigation narrows to those two suspects. When they finally do find the guy, they can go back and re-interpret the rest of their evidence in 20/20 hindsight before taking it to court.
About the only way this guy isn’t going to get caught is if investigators are selectively incompetent, and/or the general public realizes it needs to “I’m Spartacus” the investigators.
It seems he had to clear multiple malfunctions, and that suggests his firearm was poorly setup with the suppressor.
I’m also of the mind that knowing the limitations of his setup, he trained around his need to manually cycle his weapon. In the video, he did so smoothly and efficiently without any perceptible panic in his movements.
That seems entirely feasible.
Curous to know more about this as a person with very little understanding of the actual functionality of guns
So, many older pistol designs used a barrel in a fixed position in relation to the pistols frame. Due to this configuration, the added weight of a suppressor hanging from the barrel does not impede the mechanical operation of the slide cycling.
Modern pistol designs utilize variations of John Brownings tilting barrel design. Because the barrel tilts during the cycling of the pistol, the weight of the suppressor interrupts the movement of the barrel and slide preventing a full stroke of the slide to eject the spent case and feed another round from the magazine. Not good.
In response, something called a Nielsen device was developed, basically a cylinder with a spring in it that encourages the pistol slide to fully cycle. These are sometimes referred to as a “piston” or “booster”.
Suppressors are heavily regulated by the ATF, and id have to guess that when seeking one on the grey or black market, or manufacturing your own, a Nielsen device is not easy to replicate with crude means, nor easy to find on the street.
TL:DR dude was missing a part that makes a pistol work more gooder with a suppressor.
Source: I gun.
Edit: most of the following comment regarding suppressors was apparently super wrong. Leaving my ignorance up so the resulting corrections in the reply make sense. Just don’t stop reading after my bullshit comment lol.
In a normal, unsuppressed semiautomatic pistol gunshot, you pull the trigger, a precise little pin strikes the back-center of a bullet, this causes the gunpowder in the back of the bullet to spark and ignite and explode. The projectile portion of the bullet rides the wave of the explosion at supersonic speed down the barrel of the gun, which determines the direction of the path. There is an initial increase of backpressure of gas between the projectile and the back of the barrel, but semiautomatic weapons make use of this to push back the slide, expelling the spent casing and that gas and allowing the spring in the magazine to push the next round into place for the next shot, also significantly reducing recoil in the process.
Suppressors (or “silencers”) work by slowing the bullet down and altering the propulsion gas path. Subsonic speeds means no sonic boom. The downside is that you must manually cycle each round yourself, and you will likely experience more recoil per shot.
Afaik, suppressors are pretty damn hard to legally obtain, so my knowledge of them is a combination of my firsthand accounts with my unsuppressed guns, secondhand accounts of suppressors, a moderate understanding of physics, and some guesswork. I could be wrong about some of this, but this is my general understanding that I carry around with me.
I don’t want to be a hater, but you’re wrong about a lot of things in this post. Supressors do not slow a projectile, and in most cases actually increase muzzle velocity due to increased dwell time for gas expansion. They suppress muzzle flash and report by containing said gasses. Sonic booms still happen, and supressors work more effectively with specific sub sonic ammunition, which is usually achieved with a heavier projectile weight lowering the velocity.
I’m not trying to dunk on you here, just trying to educate.
Obtaining a supressor isn’t too difficult, but you do have to be thoroughly screened by the ATF after submitting photos, fingerprints, and a form, and a $200 tax, which leads me to believe this suppressor was homemade and lacked a Nielsen device, see my thread above.
Not hating, happy to be educated! I’m not prideful enough to be upset by you taking the time :)
It’s A LOT to learn, and has been a primary interest of mine for a couple decades, so I love sharing. I also love your big pp energy for updating the original comment.
Edit: decades not days
Here’s an expert explaining it better.
I wonder if the gun jammed up because of weak grip tbh. Ever shot a .45 and had it jam? It’s most likely because the gun is too powerful for your grip - the slide doesn’t move back and forth properly and then you have to clear the jam like dude does in the video.
Anyway, reason for jamming aside, dude was committed/practiced, but I don’t think he’s ‘catching casings’ like others initially suggested. This wasn’t that smooth.
See my comments below. I’m pretty convinced he was manually cycling his slide because his suppressor, whether homemade or street sourced, lacked a Nielsen device or “piston” or “booster”
i hope this starts a trend for CEOs in 2025 :)
2025 redemption arc?
Thots 'n pears
Eat the rich
“Hey other CEOs… Are we the baddies?”